Invoice Batches

The Invoice Batches page is the base page of the Accounts Payable module. This page allows you to view, create, and post invoice batches.  Searching for Invoice Batches - Basic Usage Location Group - Select the location or location group for whic...

Invoice Batch Details

The Invoice Batch Details page displays a list of invoices that comprise a particular invoice batch. This page allows you to view an invoice, review an invoice, or create a new invoice to add to the invoice batch.  Basic Usage Posting Date - Chan...

Purchase Orders

The Purchase Orders page allows you to view and edit existing purchase orders or create a new purchase order.  Basic Usage Location Group - Select the location or location group for which to view invoices. Start Date / End Date - Select your sta...

Purchase Order Details

The Purchase Order Details page allows you to view and edit the details of a particular purchase order (PO). Immediately after navigating to the Purchase Order Details page, the top section of the page displays the vendor, location, PO number, detail total...

Purchase Order Templates

A Purchase Order Template allows you to set up a list of vendor purchase items for a particular vendor. This can be helpful if you place similar orders to a particular vendor on a regular basis. Rather than creating a new Purchase Order from scratch eac...

PO Template Details

Use the Purchase Order Template Details page to view and edit purchase order templates.  Basic Usage  The Purchase Order Template Details table displays a list of vendor purchase items (VPI’s) and receive units. The following page options are avai...

Vendor List

The Vendor List page provides a place for you to manage you vendors. This page allows you to add, edit, or deactivate vendors.  Searching for a Vendor Vendor - Enter the name of the vendor for which you are searching. As with any other auto-fill ...

Upload / Download Vendors

The Upload/Download Vendors page allows you to download vendors to an Excel spreadsheet or upload vendors from an Excel spreadsheet. This can make the process of entering or editing information for multiple vendors more efficient.  Download Vendor Tem...

Merge Vendors

The Merge Vendors page allows you to merge multiple existing vendors into a single existing vendor. Please be aware that merging vendors will do the following: Re-assign all Vendor Purchased Items from Source Vendors to the Destination Vendor Re-assign ...

Vendor Purchase Items

The Vendor Purchase Items page allows you to view, edit, or deactivate existing vendor purchase items (VPI’s). This page also allows you to create new VPI’s.  Searching for a Vendor Purchase Item  Inventory Item - To search for a specific invento...

Upload Vendor Purchase Items

The Upload Vendor Purchase Items page allows you to upload vendor purchase items (VPI’s) to an Excel spreadsheet. This can make the process of entering or editing VPI information more efficient.  Download Vendor Purchase Items To add or edit VPI i...

Posting Email Alerts

A posting email alert is an email that gets sent to specified users when an invoice batch gets posted for a location. The Posting Email Alerts page allows you to view, edit, delete, or create a posting email alert. Note: The ‘Notify Location when Batch is ...

Copy Invoice

The Copy Invoice page allows you to copy the information of an invoice and duplicate its data to a new invoice/invoice batch. Basic Usage Source Invoice - Enter the invoice number of the source invoice (the invoice you would like to copy). The au...

Find Invoices

The Find Invoices page allows you to quickly find a specific invoice by utilizing numerous filters.  Searching for an Invoice  The following filters are available to help you find a specific invoice. Note that you are required to use at least one ...

Merge Vendor Purchase Items

The Merge Vendor Purchase Items page allows you to merge multiple existing vendor purchase items (VPI’s) into a single existing VPI. Please be aware that merging VPI’s will do the following: Merge Receive Units form Source Vendor Purchase Items to the De...

Missing VPIs / Receive Units

The Missing VPIs/Receive Units page allows you to search for and replace missing vendor purchase items (VPIs) and/or receive units. For example, if you have invoices with a particular VPI on them, and then you deactivate that VPI, the VPI will appear on th...

Purchase Order-Invoice Comparison

The Purchase Order-Invoice Comparison page compares a purchase order against its linked invoice. This page is useful in determining discrepancies in quantity and price.  Searching for a Purchase Order-Invoice Comparison PO Number - Enter the purc...

Purchase Review

The Purchase Review page allows you to view past inventory purchases by GL Code and location (or location group).  Basic Usage Location Group - Select the location or location group for which to view purchases. Start Date / End Date - Select the...

AP GL Codes

The Accounts Payable GL Codes page allows you to select which GL Codes can be used throughout the Accounts Payable module. The page displays a table of all GL Codes and their associated GL Code Names. The table also displays a green check mark for GL Codes...

EDI Setup

EDI Setup is part of the A/P Module. The EDI Setup page displays Vendor-specific configurations for Invoices imported through VMS (Vendor Management Solutions). VMS-imported Invoices will automatically flow into the A/P Module in an automated batch...

AP Settings

The Accounts Payable Settings page allows you to configure AP module settings. Only users with the proper permissions have access to the Accounts Payable Settings. The following settings can be configured by selecting EDIT at the top right corner of the...


The Brands page allows you to view, edit, or create new brands for Vendor Purchase Items (VPI’s). The table show displays Brand, Code, Vendor Purchase Items (VPI), and Invoices.  Searching for a Brand The following fields can be used to search for...

Manufacturer Groups

The Manufacturer Groups page provides you with an easy-to-use interface where you can assign manufacturers to a manufacturer group or remove manufacturers from a manufacturer group. This page can also be used to create new manufacturer groups.  Search...


The Manufacturers page allows you to view and edit manufacturers as well as create new manufactures.  Searching for a Manufacturer Manufacturer - Enter the manufacturer name into this auto-fill field to search for a specific manufacturer. As with...

Base Units

The Base Units page simply displays a table that lists base units, each base unit’s atomic unit, and the number of inventory items associated with each base unit. You can re-sort the Base Units table by clicking on any of the underlined column headers. Cli...

Conversion Units

The Conversion Units page allows you to view and/or edit existing conversion units or create a new conversion unit.  Searching for a Conversion Unit Conversion Unit - To search for a specific conversion unit, enter the conversion unit name into t...

Receive Units

The Receive Units page allows you to view and/or edit existing receive units or create a new receive unit. This page can also be used to review receive units. This is useful if a receive unit is created by a vendor via EDI. Occasionally, vendors provide ba...

Inventory Taking Units

The Inventory Taking Units page allows you to view and/or edit existing taking units or create a new taking unit.  Searching for an Inventory Taking Unit Inventory Item - To search for an inventory taking unit associated with a particular inven...

Inventory Item Conversion History

The Inventory Item Conversion History page provides you with a log of all instances of an inventory item conversion or a VPI conversion being created, changed, or deleted. The Inventory Item Conversion History page can also be used to restore conversions t...

Inventory Item Conversions

Inventory Item Conversion The Inventory Item Conversions page allows you to create a new inventory item conversion. You can also use this page to edit any of your existing inventory item conversions, delete conversions, or export a list of your conversi...

Vendor Purchase Item Conversions

The Vendor Purchase Item Conversions page allows you to create a new vendor purchase item (VPI) conversion. You can also use this page to edit any of your existing VPI conversions, delete conversions, or export a list of your conversions to Microsoft Excel...