The Inventory Taking Units page allows you to view and/or edit existing taking units or create a new taking unit. 

Searching for an Inventory Taking Unit

  • Inventory Item - To search for an inventory taking unit associated with a particular inventory item, enter the inventory item into this auto-fill field. As with any other auto-fill field, selections that match your typed information will appear as you type.
  • Conversion Unit - Select a conversion unit associated with the inventory taking unit for which you are searching.
  • Taking Unit - To search for a specific inventory taking unit, enter the inventory taking unit into this field.
  • Taking Unit Contains - If you only know part of a taking unit’s name, enter it into this field.
  • Rows per Page - Adjust the size of the Taking Units table by selecting how many taking units to show per page. “25” is selected by default.
  • Show - Select whether to show active, deactivated, or all inventory taking units. “Active” is selected by default.
  • SHOW - Select SHOW to view all taking units that match your search criteria. Creating a new Taking Unit To create a new taking unit, select NEW TAKING UNIT at the top left corner of the page. A “New Taking Unit” window will appear where you will be able to create a new taking unit.
  • Taking Unit Name - Enter the name of the new taking unit.
  • Container Size - Enter the desired container size.
  • Conversion Unit - Select the conversion unit to associate with the taking unit.
  • Add Another? - If you select this option, a blank “New Taking Unit” window will open immediately after you select SAVE.
  • SAVE/CANCEL - Select SAVE to create the new taking unit or CANCEL to negate the creation of a new taking unit. 

Inventory Taking Units Table

The Inventory Taking Units table displays the following information for each taking unit: taking unit name, container size, conversion unit, inventory items, and history. Various actions can be performed using this table.

  • Conversion Unit - If you select a conversion unit, you will be automatically navigated to the Conversion Unit page where you will immediately be able to view information for the selected conversion unit.
  • Inventory Items - If you select a number in the “Inventory Items” column, you will be navigated to the Inventory Items page where you will immediately be able to see all inventory items associated with the selected taking unit.
  • History - If you select a number in the “History” column, a pop-up window will appear that displays a history of all the changes made to the taking unit.
  • Edit - To edit a taking unit, select the pencil icon. This will allow you to change the taking unit name, container size, and conversion unit. Select UPDATE to save your changes or CANCEL to cancel any changes.
  • Delete - Select the red x icon to deactivate a taking unit. In order for a taking unit to be eligible for deactivation, it must not have any associated inventory items.