GL Sales Main

The GL Sales Main page is the base page of the GL Sales module. You can quickly access multiple pages in the GL Sales module by simply selecting any of the following quick links:  GL Accrual GL Journal Entries GL Sales Journal GL Sales Rules Check...

GL Sales: GL Rules Mapping Health Check

The GL Sales module automates the process of assigning POS Sales Data to GL accounts. This process is automatic, and is based on the GL Sales Rules setup for the database.  GL Sales Rules define how Sales Data from the POS is associated with GL Codes. ...

GL Sales Journal

The GL Sales Journal page allows you to view your Sales Journal per location per day. You can also make adjustments to any of the information on this page. Once you make an adjustment, selecting POST will update your data throughout RADAR.  Viewing...

GL Sales Status

This article reviews the GL Sales Status page within the GL Sales Module. Here, users can view the posting status of GL Sales data for a location/date.  Field Description Location Group Location group GL Sales statuses are displayed for ...

Cash Flow Entries

The Cash Flow Entries page allows you to view, edit, delete, and create cash flow entries. To utilize this page and the associated Cash Flow Report, you must first set up the Cash flow Report on the Setup Cash Flow Report page in the Company Configuration ...

GL Sales: Troubleshooting GL Rules

This article is part of the GL Sales Module. GL Sales mapping must be free of 'Problems' in order for GL Sales to post. Once posted, the GL Sales data is used for all GL-level reporting, including GL exports and the Ops Statement.  ...

GL Sales: Manage GL Sales Rules Page

The Manage GL Sales Rules page is part of the GL Sales Module.  The Manage GL Sales Rules page allows Users to view and edit the GL Sales Rules. GL Sales Rules define how Sales data from the POS is associated with GL Codes. When Sales data is imp...

GL Sales: Create & Edit a GL Sales Rule

This article is part of the Manage GL Sales Rules page.  The GL Sales Rule Detail page is where the configurations for a single GL Sales Rule are set. This page is used to create new Rules, as well as edit existing Rules.  GL Rule Detail Over...

GL Sales: Auto-Posting

This feature is part of the Manage GL Rules page.  If there are no broken GL Rules, Radar will automatically post GL Sales for each DOB (Date of Business) after the nightly poll. If broken rules are repaired or if changes are made to existing Rules, th...

GL Sales: Archiving Rules

This feature is part of the Manage GL Rules page Archiving Rules saves the current Rule configuration as a Rule Set that can be restored at a later date. Since GL Sales cannot post if Rules are broken, it is strongly recommended to always archive Rules...

GL Sales: Restoring Rules

This feature is part of the Manage GL Rules page.  Archived GL Sales Rules can be restored. Restoring Rules will revert the Rules setup to the configuration at the time of the archive. Restore Rules Section 1) Page Navigation - If mu...

GL Sales: Sale Type Categories

GL Sales Rules are mapped based on the Sale Type Category associated with the POS data. Rules for each Sale Type Category will apply to all Subcomponents within the Category. These Categories can also be viewed on the POS Sales Report.  All Sale Typ...

GL Sales: Advanced GL Rules

This article is part of the GL Sales Rules page.  Basic GL Sales Rules are mapped by Sale Type Category using the 'Summation' Rule Type. Any other mapping options are considered Advanced GL Rules. Advanced GL Rule configurations can be very dif...

GL Master Categories

Where COGs categories map one GL Account on to another, GL Master Categories are a hierarchy of other GL Categories. This provides a map for RADAR features like the Ops Statement Report and other rollup reporting.  Creating/Editing a GL Master Categor...

GL Sales Settings

The GL Sales Settings page allows you to configure GL Sales module settings. Only users with the proper permissions have access to the GL Sales Settings page. The following settings can be configured by selecting EDIT at the top left corner of the GL Sales...

GL Accrual GL Codes

The GL Accrual GL Codes page displays a table of all GL Codes and their associated GL Code Names. The table also displays a green check mark for GL Codes that are available for use when creating accruals on the GL Accrual Management page.  Basic Usage...

GL Accrual Management

The GL Accrual Management page allows you to view, edit, and set up accruals for financial reporting. Generally, you would want to accrue for fixed expenses or expenses that can be calculated as a percentage of another GL Code (or group of GL Codes)....

GL Journal Entries

The GL Journal Entries page allows you to view, edit, delete, and create new GL journal entries. Journal entries will be reflected on the General Ledger Report as well as the Journal Entries report.  Searching for a Journal Entry  Journal Entry # ...

GL Journal Entry

This page allows you to inject a value into the posted g/l entry table for any location and date. Typically, entries in the posted g/l table come from daily GL sales postings, or AP, or Inventory adjustments, etc. It's rare that you would have to make ...

Journal Entry Details

The Journal Entry Details page allows you to view and add line-item financial information to a specific GL Code. For example, if invoice information is not captured in the Accounts Payable module, you can input that invoice information on this page so that...

Configure Checkbook

The Configure Checkbook page allows you to configure a checkbook’s categories and GL Codes.  Checkbook Details  The Checkbook Details window displays the Checkbook name, Budget Style, Inventory Cycle, and Use Finalized status. For more information...

Manage Checkbooks

The Manage Checkbooks page allows you to view, edit, and create new checkbooks. Checkbooks are based on budgeted and actual posted activity and allow you to view how much you have budgeted, how much you have spent, and the variance between the two (view...

View Checkbook

The View Checkbook page allows you to view actual versus budgeted information for a selected checkbook, period, and location group.  Viewing a Checkbook  Checkbook - Select a checkbook to view. Period - Select the period for which to view actual...