This article is part of the GL Sales Rules page. 

Basic GL Sales Rules are mapped by Sale Type Category using the 'Summation' Rule Type. Any other mapping options are considered Advanced GL Rules. Advanced GL Rule configurations can be very difficult to set up and maintain. Please read this article carefully before using Advanced GL Rule configurations. 

Rule Types 

Additional Rule Types are available that allow for more complicated mappings. Each Rule can be set as one of the four Rule Type options.

Important Note: Errors in Rule Types are not part of GL Sales Rules auto-validation, and will not produce 'Problem' alerts or prevent posting. When using additional Rule Types, be sure to audit after adjusting Rules. 


The 'Summation' Rule Type is the standard Rule Type. All Credits and Debits for the Sale Type Category are summed and posted as a single amount to the selected GL. 

Breakout Transaction Details

The 'Breakout Transaction Details' Rule Type is used to provide additional GL Codes for use in the GL Sales Journal. The Subcomponents for this Rule Type will automatically post to the Default GL Code during the nightly poll; however, they can be manually posted to any of the optional GL Codes on the GL Sales Journal. 

This Rule Type is frequently used for Paid In/Outs where only a generic PIPO is provided by the POS and requires manual adjustment in Radar. 



The 'Adjustment' Rule Type is used as an additional Rule Type for the selected Subcomponents. This additional Rule Type is used to automatically adjust up to 100% of the posted Subcomponents from one GL Code to another GL Code. The 'Percent to Use' chosen is the amount of the adjustment, and both the Debit and Credit GL Codes will be impacted.

An example of this Rule Type in action would be adjusting 50% of an 'Employee Meal' comp from a 'Comp' GL to an 'Employee Benefits' GL.

Summation (+/- Split)

The 'Summation (+/- Split)' Rule Type is used to post positive and negative values within the same Sale Type Category to different GL Codes. 

Additional Mapping Options


Some Sale Type Categories can also be mapped by the Additional Mapping Options of Revenue Center, Daypart, Locations, and/or Order Mode. 

Important Note: Please be aware that each Additional Mapping Option added will approximately double the number of Rules that will need to be maintained. 

Important Note: Revenue Centers, Order Modes, and Day Parts will have an 'UnSpecified' Subcategory created when the POS does not provide a definition for the Revenue Center, Order Mode, or Day Part. If Advanced GL Mapping is being used to break out Sales by Revenue Center, Order Mode, and/or Day Part, the Sales for the 'UnSpecified' Subcategory will not be posted, and a System Balance will be created to balance the Journal.

GL Rule Mapping With Additional Mapping Options

When mapping with Additional Mapping Options, each combination of Sale Type Subcomponents and Additional Mapping Option Subcomponents will need to be mapped as an additional Rule that will require a different GL Code.


Example: The 'Sales' Sale Type is mapped by Sale Department Subcomponent and by the Additional Mapping Option of 'Revenue Center'.

This results in two Rules for the Sale Departments of 'Appetizers, Desserts, Entrees, Food Mods, and Soups/Salads' to cover the breakup of the Revenue Centers.

Important Note: Any Subcomponent that is not mapped properly will generate an 'All Present Check' problem. 

In this example, the 'DS Adjust' Revenue Center Subcomponent needs to be added to one of the existing Rules, or a third Rule needs to be created.

Reducing Extra Rules

If a set of Sale Type Subcomponents does not need to be broken out by the Additional Mapping Option, the Additional Mapping Option can be left as 'All'. 

  • Best Practice: Only add additional Rules when the Additional Mapping Option must be split.

Additional Mapping Option Types

Revenue Center - Rules can be separated based on the Revenue Center where the Sale was made. 

Day Part - Rules can be separated based on the Day Part when the Sale was made. 

Order Mode - Rules can be separated based on the Order Mode used for the Sale. 

Locations - Rules can be separated based on the Location where the Sale was made.

  • Important Note: Only R365 Support can adjust mapping by Location. To make any changes to Rules that are mapped by Location, please contact R365 Support.

Individual Sale Type Categories can only be mapped by certain Advanced Mapping Option Types, as indicated by the following table: