The Configure Checkbook page allows you to configure a checkbook’s categories and GL Codes. 

Checkbook Details 

The Checkbook Details window displays the Checkbook name, Budget Style, Inventory Cycle, and Use Finalized status. For more information on these fields, see the Mange Checkbooks page. If you make any changes to the information in this window, select SAVE DETAILS to save your changes. 

Creating a New Category 

To create a new category, select NEW CATEGORY. Upon selection, the “New Category” window will be displayed. 

  • Category Name - Enter the name of the new category.
  • GL Code(s) - Select the GL Code(s) you would like to associate with the new category.
  • SAVE/CANCEL - Select SAVE to create the new category or CANCEL to negate the creation of the new category. 

The Categories Table 

The Categories table displays the checkbook’s Categories their associated GL Codes. 

  • Edit - Selecting the pencil icon will allow you to edit the category name and the associated GL Codes. Be sure to select UPDATE to commit your changes.
  • Move - You can re-sort the order in which the categories are displayed in the checkbook by selecting the blue up or down icons.
  • Delete - You can delete a category by selecting the red x icon. Upon selection, a confirmation window will appear where you can confirm or cancel the deletion.