Restaurant Sales Reports

Revenue Center Metric Performance
The Revenue Center Metric Performance report compares the sales (or other metric) of revenue centers for a location ...
Sales and Weather Report
The Sales and Weather Report displays the sales, labor dollars, and weather conditions for each day of the selected ...
Special Pay Rule Detail
The Special Pay Rule Detail report displays the parameters assigned to each special pay rule. Additionally, this rep...
Speed of Service
The Speed of Service report displays the number and percentage of tickets that fell into each production time block ...
Speed Of Service By Daypart
The Speed of Service By Daypart report simply displays a location’s average time, average production time, and avera...
Speed Of Service By Hour
The Speed of Service By Hour report is similar to the Speed of Service Summary report in that it displays a location...
Speed Of Service Summary
The Speed of Service Summary report simply displays a location’s average time, average production time, average tota...
Stacked Metrics
The Stacked Metrics report compares the sales of the selected week with the sales of the previous week (or the same ...
Start to End Sales Report
This report shows company specific metrics that tie out to Key Info metrics. Total Sales on the report ties to the N...
Table Frequency Report
This report ranks the tables of a location (or location group) by a selected metric.  Report Usage  Use thi...