The Stacked Metrics report compares the sales of the selected week with the sales of the previous week (or the same week of the previous year). Further, it displays a daily break-down of the same information. Each day is presented in a separate column. The locations are displayed in rows. 

Report Usage 

This report is great for comparing the sales of a particular week with the sales from the previous week. This report also gives you the ability to compare the sales of a particular week with the sales from the same week of the previous year. 

For example, you can use this report to see how sales during week 24 compare with the sales during week 23. Alternatively, you can see how sales during week 24 of the current year compare with sales during week 24 of last year. 

Report Features

  • Filter by location or location group.
  • Filter by week.
  • Select a metric. The following metrics are available for selection: Net Sales, Gross Sales, Guest, Checks, Entrées, Comps, Promos, Voids, Labor Hours, Labor Dollars, Labor Percent, Sales Per Labor Hour, OT Hours, OT Dollars, DT Hours, DT Dollars, OT + DT Hours, OT + DT Dollars, Special Pay Infractions, Special Pay Dollars, Guest Average, Check Average, and Entrée Average.
  • Choose to compare to the Same Day Last Week or the Same Day Last Year.
  • Select the variance type (Difference or Percent).
  • The report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.