If a red circle with an exclamation point is visible in the top right of all Radar pages, there are alerts pending for required database maintenance.
This alert icon is only displayed for Superadmin and provides quick navigation to the areas that require configuration for proper reporting and database use.
- MSDs
- Tender Types
- Job ExportIDs
- GL Sales Rules
- EDI Lookups
- New Menu Items
Addressing Database Maintenance Alerts
To address the database maintenance alerts:
- Click on the alert icon
to display all pending alerts
- Click on the alert to navigate to the configuration page generating the alert
- Address the configurations
Database Maintenance Alerts
MSDs (Master Sale Departments)
The MSD alert indicates that new Sale Departments have been picked up from the POS and must be assigned to a Master Sale Department within Radar for proper reporting.
- Note: If a Sale Department is not in a Master Sale Department, the associated Menu Items will not populate in Pmix reporting
Tender Types
The Tender Type alert indicates that a new Tender has been picked up from the POS and must have a Tender Type assigned on the Tenders page for proper reporting.
- Note: Any Tender with the Tender Type ‘Unknown’ will not be included in most Tender reports
Job ExportIDs
The Job ExportIDs alert indicates that one or more new Jobs have been picked up from the POS and must have their Job ExportID entered on the Jobs page.
Important Note: While the Job ExportID alert is driven by the Job Export ID field, this field is only used for Custom Payroll Exports. If a Custom Payroll Export is not in use for the database, any number, including ‘0’, can be entered to clear the alert.
Best Practice: Complete all configurations for the Job when entering the Job Export ID.
- Work Center - Mustbe assigned for proper reporting.
- Note: Any Job that does not have an assigned Work Center will not be included in most Job-related charts and reports.
- Note: Any Job that does not have an assigned Work Center will not be included in most Job-related charts and reports.
- Color Code – Used in the Labor Scheduling Module
- GL Code – Used for Budget comparison & GL level reporting
- Direct Tip & Indirect Tip – Indicates if the Job is paid at the Tipped Minimum Wage
- Pay Type – Indicates if the Job should be included in Sales Per Labor Hour calculations
GL Sales Rules
The GL Sales Rules alert will only appear if the GL Sales Module is active for the database. This alert indicates that one or more mappable sales categories have been picked up from the POS and must be mapped to an associated GL Code.
To clear this alert, the broken GL mappings must be repaired on the GL Sales Rules page.
Note: Only a member of the R365 Support Team can clear the GL Sales Rules alert. Once the broken rules are repaired, please submit a Support Ticket to have the alert cleared.
EDI Lookups
The EDI Lookups alert will only appear if Vendor Management Solutions is active for the database. This alert indicates that Invoice data for a new Vendor or Location has been provided through a configured VMS feed and must be repaired on the EDI Setup page.
- Note: Invoice data will not be imported for unmapped Vendors or Locations
New Menu Items
The New Menu Items alert will only appear if the ‘Uses Menu Item Management’ setting within Company Preferences is set to ‘Yes’.
This alert indicates that new Menu Items have been imported from the POS and require manual review on the Menu Items page.
- Note: Menu Items will be available for use throughout Radar regardless of review status