A Master Sale Department (MSD) is a grouping of Sale Departments. For example, the MSD 'Food' might be comprised of the following sale departments: 'Appetizers', 'Entries', and 'Dessert'. MSD’s provides a higher-level grouping for reporting. This helps to summarize the more detailed Sale Department information. 

Master Sale Departments are used throughout Radar to generate charts and reports. If MSDs are not configured these charts and reports will not run or be incomplete.


Users with one of the following User Privileges have the ability to configure MSD: 



Master Sale Departments page is in the Company Configuration Module.


Accessing the Master Sale Department page can be done via the alphabetical list or the 'POS Data' dropdown.



  • Note: You may not have access to Company Configuration or Master Sale Departments. For additional assistance please contact your Radar Superadmins.


  1. 'New Master Sale Department' button - Used to create a new MSD
  2. Master Sale Department - Name of the MSD
  3. Activated - Date MSD added to the database
  4. # - MSD ID Number
  5. Sort Order - Order MSD will appear in dropdowns and on reports
  6. Members - Number of Sale Departments assigned to the MSD
  7. Pencil Icon - Used to open the edit menu
  8. Red X Icon - Used to delete an empty MSD
  9. Green Arrow Icon - Used to assign or remove Sale Departments
  10. Currently Assigned - Sale Departments currently assigned to the MSD
  11. Unassigned - Sale Departments not currently assigned to any MSD

Creating a New Master Sale Department


Follow the steps below to create a new MSD:


  1.  Click 'New Master Sale Department'

  2. Enter the appropriate MSD Name, Number and Sort Order
    • MSD Name - Enter the desired name for the new MSD into this text field
    • Number - Enter the MSD’s number, which represents the department ID
    • Sort Order - The number entered in this field will represent the order in which the MSD is sorted

  3.  Click 'Save'

Editing an Existing MSD

Editing an existing MSD to change the MSD Name, Number or Sort Order. 


  1. Click the  icon
  1. Enter Edits
  2. Click 'Update' to save edits

Assign Sales Departments to Existing MSD

  1. Click the icon to open the Sale Departments Menu
  1. Select the Sale Department(s) from the 'Unassigned' column to assign
    • Tips & Tricks: Select Multiple Sale Departments by holding down the Control key on the keyboard while making your selections.

  1. Click the  button to move the selected Sale Departments to the 'Currently Assigned' column
  2. Click 'Done' to save your changes

Remove Sales Departments from an Existing MSD

  1. Click the icon to open the Sale Departments Menu
  2. Click the Sale Department(s) from the 'Currently Assigned' column to remove
    • Tips & Tricks: Select Multiple Sale Departments by holding down the Control key on the keyboard while making your selections

  3. Select the  button to move the selected Sale Departments to the 'Available' column
  4. Click 'Done' to save your changes

Deleting an Existing MSD

Only empty MSDs can be deleted. Once emptied a  icon will appear allowing the MSD to be deleted.


  1. Remove any Sales Departments assigned to the MSD
  2. Click the  icon to delete
  3. Confirm that MSD should be deleted