The Manage GL Sales Rules page is part of the GL Sales Module

The Manage GL Sales Rules page allows Users to view and edit the GL Sales Rules.

GL Sales Rules define how Sales data from the POS is associated with GL Codes. When Sales data is imported through the nightly poll, Radar will apply the current GL Sales Rules to the Sales data, then post the appropriate amounts per GL Code to the General Ledger. The posted General Ledger information is then used for GL-level reporting, such as the Ops Statement and GL Sales Export

The categories used for mapping are pulled directly from the POS and are associated with a specific Sale Type (Sales, Comp, Guests, etc.). Each mapping between a category and a GL Code is contained within a single GL Sales Rule. 


Superadmins and Users with the 'Manage GL Sales Rules' permission will have full access to this page. 

  • Note: Users with the added 'Can Auto Post Days' permission will also be able to use the 'Auto Post Days' button to issue the Auto-post command. Otherwise, this feature is restricted to Superadmins.


The Manage GL Sales Rules page is located in the GL Sales Module.

Click on 'GL Sales Rules' from the 'Setup' drop-down from any page within the GL Sales Module. The landing page for the GL Sales Module also has a quick link to the GL Sales Rules in the quick navigation list.

If there are broken GL Sales Rules, an Alert will be present in the upper right corner of the Radar header. Clicking this Alert will navigate directly to the GL Sales Rules page. 

Header and Action Buttons

1) + New GL Sales Rule - Click to create a new GL Sales Rule

2) Archive Rules - Click to archive the current Rules

3) Restore Rules - Click to restore archived Rules

4) Auto Post Days - Click to issue the Auto-post command and post Sales with the current Rule configuration

5) 'Search By' Radio Buttons - Choose between filtering Rules by 'Sale Type' or ' GL Code'. The radio button clicked will determine which filter drop-down is displayed (#6)

6) Filter - The Rules table can be filtered by either 'Sale Type' or by 'GL Code'. When filtered, the Rules table will display all Rules that include the selected filter. 

  • Change the displayed filter with the 'Search By' radio buttons (#5)

7) Expand/Collapse All - Expands all Rules in the Rules table to display additional details. If all Rules are expanded, click to collapse all Rules.

  • Collapsed Rule:

  • Expanded Rule

8) Clear Filter - Clears all filters that were applied from the Rules table

Rules Validation

Radar checks Rules to ensure that there are no conflicts or missing mappings. Any issue with the Rules will be listed in the Rules Validation section.

Important Note: If problems are present, the GL Sales Rules are 'broken' and the Sales data will not post until they are repaired. 

Learn more about Rules Validation and Troubleshooting GL Sales here

Rules Table 

1) Filter Summary - Number of Rules found that match the selected filter

2) Rule Number - Each Rule has a unique number to help identify it during troubleshooting. The number is auto-assigned and cannot be edited. 

3) Sale Type - The GL Sales Sale Type associated with the Rule

4) Components - Rule Name, Rule Style (All, Choose, Only), and Subcomponents

  • Note: Rule Name is optional and is only displayed when entered on the GL Sales Rule Detail page. 
  • Tips and Tricks: Clicking the spyglass icon (#7) will expand the Rule and display Subcomponent details

5) Rule Type - How the Rule is applied to Sales from the POS. 

  • Note: For basic Rules, only 'Summation' is used. For information on the other Rule Types, please see the Advanced GL Sales Rules

6) GL Code(s) - GL Code(s) that are mapped to the Components (#4)

7) Quick View Details - Click the spyglassicon to view the Subcomponent details for the GL Sales Rule

8) Filter for Similar Rules - Click the fingericon to filter the Rules table for all GL Sales Rules with the same Components.

9) Edit - Click the pencilicon to open the GL Sales Rule Detail page where the Rule can be edited

10) Copy - Click the copy icon to create a new Rule with the same configuration as the selected Rule. The GL Sales Rule Detail page will open, where the new Rule can be edited.

  • Important Note: If the duplicated Rule is not edited and contains all of the same configurations as the Rule it was copied from, a 'Duplicate Rule' error will be created. The copy feature is typically used as a starting point for creating similar, but not identical, Rules within the same Sale Type Category.

11) Delete -Click the red xicon to delete a GL Sales Rule

Tips & Tricks - Sort the GL Sales Rules table by clicking on any of the underlined column headers. Click once to sort in ascending order; click again to sort in descending order.