This article reviews commissary transfers within the Inventory module. 

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Radar has the ability to treat transfers from a commissary location to another location as an invoice. This allows the location flagged as a commissary to review usage reporting at the ingredient level while the restaurants that receive the finished product will be able to see usage reporting based on the finished product.


A restaurant group has their locations purchase their in-house Caesar Dressing from the commissary location. The commissary will likely want to review usage variances by the oil, vinegar, eggs, etc. that go into making the dressing, whereas the destination restaurants will want to see usage variance reporting by 'Caesar Dressing', as that is what they are purchasing and receiving.

When a transfer from the commissary location is accepted, a new posted AP batch and invoice will be created within the destination location's AP module. The invoice number will match the transfer number, and the transfer details will have a link to the AP batch and invoice number.


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Commissary Transfers Reporting

Commissary Location

The commissary location will show the transfers broken down to the individual ingredient level (depending on the inventory settings). GL postings will also be based on the inventory activity for recipe ingredients.

Destination Location

The destination location will show all activity in the following areas under a commissary-specific inventory item:

  • Inventory Activity
  • Purchases/Transfers
  • Theoretical Usage

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Inventory Module Settings

The Commissary Transfers as Invoices feature is enabled by checking the Commissary option on the Inventory Module Settings page. Once checked, the Surcharge Pct and Surcharge Revenue GL Code can be defined. When a surcharge percentage is entered, a surcharge will be automatically applied to invoices created by commissary transfers. 

Location Setup

Commissary locations will have the 'Commissary?' checkbox on the Locations page within the Company Configuration Module enabled. To enable or disable a commissary location, please contact Radar Support

Vendor Records

When a location is flagged as a commissary location, the first accepted transfer where that commissary location is selected as the ‘Source’ location will create a new Vendor Record in the destination location's AP module with the commissary location's Location Name as the Vendor Name and its Short Name as the Vendor Code.

Vendor Purchase Items & Inventory Items

When a transfer contains a recipe item that is being transferred for the first time from the commissary location, the posted AP batch will show an alert stating it contains a VPI that is linked to an UNASSIGNED inventory item.

Unassigned vendor purchase items are addressed using the Unassigned VPI Alerts tool. VPIs associated with commissary transfers should be linked to a new inventory item that is specific to the commissary location. It is recommended to preface all commissary-specific inventory items with 'Comm-'. This notation assists in differentiating between inventory items that are received from the commissary or regular vendors. 

  • Note: Inventory items can be created directly from the Unassigned VPI Alerts tool. 

Once the unassigned VPI is linked, the AP batch will need to be re-posted.


If the destination location uses the commissary inventory item in any recipes, those recipes will need to be updated to the correct commissary inventory item. This step ensures proper depletion at the destination location based on linked menu items. 

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