The GL Sales Journal page allows you to view your Sales Journal per location per day. You can also make adjustments to any of the information on this page. Once you make an adjustment, selecting POST will update your data throughout RADAR. 

Viewing a GL Sales Journal 

  • Location - Select a location’s Sales Journal to view. 
  • DOB - Select the date for which to view a location’s Sales Journal by either typing the desired date into the field or by selecting the calendar icon and navigating to the desired day. The previous day will be selected by default. 
  • SHOW - Select SHOW to view the Sales Journal that matches your search criteria.

The Sales Journal Table 

Upon selecting SHOW, the Sales Journal table will be displayed. This table displays the following information: Sale Type, Debit amount, Credit amount, and Raw POS #. 

  • Action - To make an adjustment to the Sales Journal, select the green arrow icon in the “Action” column. For more information on editing a Sales Journal, see the Editing a GL Sales Journal section below. 
  • Balance - The last row in the Sales Journal table will indicate whether or not the Sales Journal is balanced. If the Sales Journal is balanced, “BALANCED” will be displayed. Note: The Sales Journal must be balanced in order to post. 
  • Posting Notes - If you make any changes to the Sales Journal, you can enter a description of the changes into this text field before you post. Note: You will be required to enter a posting note in order to post a Sales Journal if the “Require Sales Journal Notes when Posting” setting is selected on the GL Sales Settings page. 
  • POST - Select POST to post the Sales Journal. Note: Posting will not change the data on your POS, but changes will be reflected throughout RADAR (accounting reports, exports, etc.). 
  • BALANCE & POST - If the setting is selected on the GL Sales Settings page. POST: Select POST to post the Sales Journal. Note: Posting will not change the data on your POS, but changes will be reflected throughout RADAR (accounting reports, exports, etc.). 
  • BALANCE & POST - If the “Enable Autobalance & PostEnable Autobalance & Post” setting is selected on the GL Sales Settings page, you will be able to post an unbalanced Sales Journal by selecting BALANCE & POST. Note: Whatever the difference is to make the Sales Journal be in balance will be added into the setting is selected on the GL Sales Settings page, you will be able to post an unbalanced Sales Journal by selecting BALANCE & POST. Note: Whatever the difference is to make the Sales Journal be in balance will be added into the “Over/Short” sales type. For more information on this setting, see the GL Sales Settings page. For more information on the “Over/Short” sales type, see the GL Codes page in the Company Configuration module.

Editing a GL Sales Journal 

To make changes to a Sales Journal, select the green arrow icon in the “Action” column. Upon selection, the Summary by GL Code table and Summary by Detail table will be displayed to the right of the Sales Journal table. The Transactions table will be displayed between the Summary by GL Code table and the Summary by Detail table for any Sale Type with a “Breakout Transaction Details” Rule Type. 

  • The Summary by GL Code Table - This table provides summary level information (the GL Code and its associated total amount) per Sale Type. 
  • Summary by Detail Table - This table displays detailed information (the category and its associated total amount) per GL Code. 
  • The Transactions Table - This table displays detail level information (the category and its associated total amount) per GL Code. It differs from the Summary by Detail table in that a selected category may be added multiple times. This is useful if, for example, you would like to split your comp totals (for the same GL Code) by manager. You can edit the information in these tables by completing the following steps: 
    • Change To - Enter an amount associated with a GL Category by into the ‘Change To’ field in the Summary by Detail table or the Transactions table. Note: It is important to remember that the Sales Journal must be balanced before it can be posted. If you add an amount to one category, you must subtract the same amount from another category. 
    • Notes - Enter any pertinent notes you would like to appear with the edited category. These notes will appear on the GL Sales Status page and on the General Ledger Report. 
    • CONFIRM CHANGES - Select CONFIRM CHANGES to capture your adjustments. Note: You will not be able to select this option until you click outside of the 'Change To' text field or tab over to the 'Notes' text field. Once all changes have been made and the sales journal is balanced, select POST to update the information throughout RADAR. 
    • Alternatively, you can adjust the amounts by adding additional GL Categories to either the Transactions table or the Summary by Detail table. 
      • Category - Select a GL Category in the ‘Category’ drop-down field. Note: Only a single entry per GL Category can be added to the Summary by Detail table. The Transactions table does not have this limitation. 
      • Amount - Enter the associated dollar amount into this field. 
      • Notes - Enter any pertinent notes you would like to appear with the category. 
      • CONFIRM CHANGES - Select CONFIRM CHANGES to capture your adjustments. Once all changes have been made and the sales journal is balanced, select POST to update the information throughout RADAR. 

Deleting a Posting 

Once posted, a Sales Journal can be deleted from RADAR if the “Users cannot delete postings” setting is not selected on the GL Sales Setting page. To delete a Sales Journal, navigate to a Sales Journal that has been posted and select DELETE POSTING at the top of the page. Upon selection, a confirmation window will appear where you can confirm or cancel the deletion.