Any Export from the Exports Module can be added to an existing Export Batch by a Superadmin. Once added, the Export will be emailed to the configured recipients when the Export Batch is run.
- Note: Only Superadmins have access to add Exports to Export Batches.
- Note: Reports and Exports cannot be added to the same batch. Learn more about adding Reports to Batches here.
Adding an Export
1. Open the desired Export from the Exports Module
- Note: This example uses the 'Inventory Items with Zero Quantity' Export
2. Select the desired Location Group in the 'Step 1 - Choose Location' section
The Location Group selected will determine which Locations are included in the Export when the Export Batch is run.
3. Set the desired 'Step 3 - Other Options' settings
The 'Step 3' settings will determine how the Export is run when the Export Batch is sent.
- Note: Not all Exports have 'Step 3' options.
4. Click the button near the Export's name above 'Step 1'
The 'Add to Export Batch' form will open inside of 'Step 4'
5. Select the Export Batch that the Export should be added to
- Note: The drop-down menu will have all configured Export Batches. If the desired Export Batch is not present, return to the Report & Export Batch page in Company Config and ensure that the Export Batch is configured properly.
6. Select the Run Period
The Run Period is similar to the date range selected in 'Step 2'. This setting will determine which timeframe is included in the Export when the Export Batch is run.
- Note: Only the Run Periods in the drop-down can be selected.
7. Add Notes
Notes can be added to help differentiate Exports within the Export Batch. This is frequently used when multiple versions of the same Export are added to the same Export Batch.
8. Click to add the Export with the selected 'Step 3' options, Run Period, and Notes to the selected Export Batch. Click
to close without saving.
Confirming Export Batch Settings
Once the Export is added to the Export Batch, the Location Group, Run Period, Email Subject Line, and Notes can be updated.
1. Navigate to the Report & Export Batch page in the Company Config Module
2. Click the button in line with the desired Export Batch
This will open the Export table at the bottom of the page
3. Click the pencil icon to edit the following details:
- Location Group - Location Group that the Export will include.
- Period Type- The timeframe included in the Export.
- Important Note: Not all Period Types are available for all Exports. Changing this setting to an unsupported Period Type for the Export may cause the Export to fail.
- Notes - Comments about the Export. This field is not included with the emailed Export.
- Email Subject Line and File Name - The name of both the email and attached file when the Export is emailed.
To delete the Export, click thebutton