A Report/Export Batch is a group of Reports or Exports that is configured to run at a specified time and be sent via email to selected Users. A batch can consist of either Reports or Exports and can be sent to as many recipients as desired. The Report and Export Batches page allows Users to create new Batches, edit existing Batches, and assign recipients to Batches.
- Note: Reports and Exports must be separated into different Batches.
- Learn more about adding Reports to a Report Batch here.
- Learn more about adding Exports to an Export Batch here.
Users with either of the following User Privileges can configure Jobs:
- Full Access (Superadmin)
- Company Configuration with added Report & Export Batch access
To navigate to the Report and Export Batch page, first open the Company Config Module.
The Report and Export Batches can be found in the alphabetical list, or from the Site Configuration drop-down in the navigation bar.
1) + New Batch - Click to create a new Batch
2) Name Contains - Enter name of Batch
3) Show - Click to view the Batches that match the partial name entered in the ‘Name Contains’ field
4) Export - Click to export all Batches to Microsoft Excel
5) Batch - Name of the Batch
6) Override Email - If an email address is entered into this field, the batch will only be emailed to this address. Any assigned recipients will be ignored. This feature is useful for testing the functionality of the Batch
7) Frequency - How often the Batch is run. Options range from daily to monthly.
8) Run Time - The time of day the Batch should process. This is the time the command will be queued up for execution; it does not guarantee that the Batch will run precisely at this time.
- Note: Avoid setting the Run Time to a time that is too early; allow time for all Locations’ imports to finish. Otherwise, the Batches that go out will only contain partial information
9) Wait for LG - The Location or Location Group selected in this drop-down field will force the Batch to wait until the import is complete for all Locations owned by the selected Location Group before the Batch will process. “Don’t Wait” is selected by default.
10) Wait for Posting LG - The Location or Location Group selected in this drop-down field will force the Batch to wait until the GL posting is complete for all Locations owned by the selected Location Group before the Batch will process. “Don’t Wait” is selected by default.
11) Abort Time - The time at which the Batch should stop trying to run. This is usually used in conjunction with the ‘Wait for Location Group’ options (#9, #10)
12) Is Export Batch? - Selecting this option will allow Exports to be added to the Batch. Also, this setting enables the FTP transfer fields in the “Email Recipients” section
13) Can Users Subscribe? - If this option is selected, a User will be able to assign themselves as a recipient of the Batch without requiring a Superadmin to assign them directly
14) Edit - Click to change the Batch details (#5-#13)
15) Delete - Click to deactivate the Batch
16) Inspect - Click to view the Last Runs table, which will display below the Report & Export Batches table. This table displays the Run Time, Machine, Total Reports, and Total Emails for the last 10, 20, or 50 Batch Runs.
17) Run - Click to queue the selected Batch for execution.
- Note: Selecting this option without also entering an override email will cause any scheduled run time to be overridden. The Batch will then be considered to have run for the day
18) Open - Click to assign Users or edit attached Report/Export details
19) Email Recipients - List of Users assigned and unassigned to the Batch. Click on the open button (#18) to view the User list for the desired Batch
Creating a New Report/Export Batch
Click to open the New Batch form.
Enter the appropriate information for the Batch. The following fields are required:
- Batch Name
- Frequency
- Run Time
- Abort Time
If the Batch should contain Exports instead of Reports, check the 'Is Export Batch?' checkbox.
Click to create the new Batch or click
to close without saving.
- Note: Users must be added to the Batch before the Batch will run
- Note: Newly created Batches will take a day to cycle through the system until they are emailed
Assign/Remove Users:
Click the green arrow iconto open the Email Recipients table for the selected Batch.
- Note: Changes made to this section are saved immediately
Assign Users
Select one or more Users in the 'Available' column.
- Tips and Tricks: Select multiple Users by holding down the Shift or Control keys on the keyboard while making selections.
Click the icon to add the User(s) to the 'Currently Assigned' column.
- Note: For Reports that reference a User-specific permission, the permission of the alphabetically first User in the recipient list will be used for everyone in the Batch. For this reason, it is advised that only Users with similar permissions be assigned to the same Batch.
- Note: Newly-created Batches will take a day to cycle through the system until they are emailed.
Click 'Done' when completed.
Remove Users
Select a User in the 'Currently Assigned' column.
- Tips and Tricks: Select multiple Users by holding down the Shift or Control keys on the keyboard while making selections.
Click the icon to unassign the User(s) and add them to the 'Available' column.
Click 'Done' when completed.
Editing Details of Attached Reports/Exports
Click the green arrow iconto display the Reports/Exports in the Batch table at the bottom of the screen.
Click the pencil icon to edit the following information:
- Location Group- Location or Location Group for which the Report/Export should run.
- Best Practice: Select 'user primary location' and the Report will run for each recipient's Primary Location Group.
- Note: This option is only available for Report Batches
- Period Type- Select the period type for which the Report/Export should run.
- Note - Enter or edit any pertinent notes, such as which filters were applied to the Report/Export.
- Email Subject and File Name - By default, the filename of the emailed Report/Export will be the Report/Export's associated short name. This field will customize the email subject and filename.
- UPDATE/CANCEL - Click 'UPDATE' to commit changes or 'CANCEL' to negate any changes made.
Click the red x icon to delete a Report/Export from a Batch.