This feature is part of the Manage GL Rules page

If there are no broken GL Rules, Radar will automatically post GL Sales for each DOB (Date of Business) after the nightly poll. If broken rules are repaired or if changes are made to existing Rules, the 'Auto-Post' command must be issued manually.

The Auto-Post command will apply the current GL Sales Rules to the Sales for the selected days, then re-post to the General Ledger. If the Auto-Post command is not issued, the posted Sales will not change.  

After making any changes to the Rules, it is recommended to Auto-Post before navigating away from the GL Sales Module. A reminder will appear if any Rule is adjusted, and will remain until the Auto-Post command is issued. 

Issuing the Auto-Post Command

Follow these steps to issue the Auto-Post command:

  1. Make all desired changes to the GL Sales Rules

  2. Click the 'Auto Post Days' button

    The Auto-Post form will open

  3. Select the Location Group to post
    • Note: This defaults to 'All GL Whitelisted Locations'. It is recommended to Auto-Post to all Locations when issuing the Auto-Post command

  4. Select the Start Date and End Date
    • Note: Users can only issue an Auto-Post command for seven days at a time. To post more that seven days, issue a second Auto-post command.

  5.   Enter a Notification Email
    • Best Practice: The Notification Email is not required, however 'Auto-Posting Started' and 'Auto-Posting Completed' emails will be sent to the email address entered. The Auto-Posting process takes time, and these emails will inform the User when the command is completed.

  6. Click 'Send' to issue the Auto-Post command, or click 'Cancel' to close the 'Auto Post Days' form. 

GL Status

The GL Status page can be used to view the status of each Location and date. Dates that have been posted through the Auto-Post command will have the note 'NONIMPORT AUTOPOSTING'