Radar Users are the members of your company who have access to Radar's business intelligence reporting, operational tools, and Radar database configuration. Radar is intended to be used by Operational Management Teams, Accounting/Bookkeeping Teams, Owners, Investors, and Corporate Management Teams. 


A regular line-level employee is generally not considered a Radar User. 

  • Click here for additional information about Employee Data with Radar
  • Click here for additional information about managing Employee Accounts for Radar Schedules



Usernames must be unique to all Radar databases. 

  •     Best Practice: Use the User's email address as their username.

User Privileges (Accesses or Permissions)

Radar Privileges are Module based. 

  • Accesses are granted per Module and can be fine-tuned within each Module. 


Radar User Privileges are managed in Privilege Groups

  • A User can only be a member of one Privilege Group. 


Radar User Location Access is Location Groups based. 

  • A User can only have access to one Location Group.

Radar Superadmins


Radar Superadmins are the members of your team responsible for the implementation and maintenance of your Radar database and have the authority to make billable changes or requests for the database. Superadmins are the only members of your team who have access to Support.