The Payroll Validation Rule Setup page allows you to view, create, and edit payroll validation rule sets. A rule set is an aggregate of rules by which a Location's payroll will be validated.

Create a New Rule Set

To create a new rule set, select 'Create New Rule Set'. Upon selection, you will be able to enter the following:

  • Rule Set Name - Enter a name for the rule set
  • Add New Validation Rule - By default, the following three rules are assigned to all rule sets: Import Failure, Minimum Wage, and Overlapping Time Records. If necessary, you may assign a custom version of a rule to override the default behavior. To add a new rule, select 'Add New Validation Rule'. Upon selection, a pop-up window will appear that will allow you to select a validation rule. For more information on each rule, see the Payroll Validation Rules section below
  • Add - Click this to add the selected rule to the rule set. Clicking 'Add' will cause the 'Rule Options' window to appear on the right side of the page that will allow you to customize the setup of each rule. See the Payroll Validation Rule Options section below for more information on customizing your payroll rules
  • Cancel - Click this to cancel the addition of the new rule
  • Copy Rules from Set - Click this to copy the contents of a previously made rule set and duplicate its information for a new rule set. Selecting 'Copy Rules from Set' will cause a pop-up window to appear with a drop-down list of all available rule sets that can be copied. Select 'Copy' to copy the selected rule set or click 'Cancel' to cancel the duplication of the rule set
  • Save Rule Set - Click this to save a rule set. Note that a rule set name must be entered before you are able to have a rule set
  • Cancel - Click this to negate the creation of the new rule set

Payroll Validation Rules

Listed below are the rules available for selection when creating a rule set. For more information on customizing a specific rule, see the Payroll Validation Rule Option section below.

  • Changed Pay Rate- Displays Employees that have had a pay rate change within the selected pay period or from the most recent pay rate
    • Run Options - Not applicable; however, exclusions may be applied and an override level can be set
  • Clock-Out Time- This rule displays Employees that have clocked out between two customizable time periods
    • Rule Options - Start/End Time as well as the ability to add exclusions and apply an override level
  • Days Worked- Displays Employees that have worked a set number of days over the course of the selected period according to the rule options you set up
    • Rule Options - Comparison, number of Days, and Period Type as well as the ability to add exclusions and apply an override level
  • Distinct Payroll Days- Displays periods within the selected period that contain a set number of distinct days of payroll according to the rule options you set up
    • Rule Options - Comparison, number of Days, and Period Type as well as the ability to add exclusions and apply an override level 
  • Distinct Special Pay Records- This rule displays the number of distinct special pay entries by type over the course of the selected period according to the rule options you set up
    • Rule Options - Special Pay Type, Comparison, number of Entries, and Period Type as well as the ability to add exclusions and apply an override level
  • Duplicate Employee Number- Displays employees that share the same POS number
    • Rule Options - Not applicable; however, exclusions may be applied and an override level can be set
  • Employee Number- Displays Employees that have a specific POS number according to the rule options you set up
    • Rule Options - Comparison and Employee Number as well as the ability to add exclusions and apply an override level
  • Hour Total- This rule displays Employees that have worked a set number of hours by type ov the course of the selected period according to the rule options you set up
    • Rule Options - Hourly Type, Comparison, number of Hours, and Period Type as well as the ability to add exclusions and apply an override level
  • Import Success- Displays the status of the most recent import
    • Rule Options - Not applicable; however, exclusions may be applied and an override level can be set
  • Minimum Wage- Displays Employees with pay rates less than the minimum wage or tipped minimum wage as set on the Minimum Wage page
    • Rule Options - Not applicable; however, exclusions may be applied and an override level can be set
  • Missing Employee Info- Displays Employees that are missing basic information (First Name, Last Name, SSN, and/or export ID) according tot he rule options you set up
    • Rule Options - Employee Info Types as well as the ability to add exclusions and apply an override level
  • Overlapping Time Records- Displays Employees that have overlapping punches
    • Rule Options - Not applicable; however, exclusions may be applied and an override level can be set
  • Regular Pay Rate- Displays Employees that have a regular pay rate according to the rule options you set
    • Rule Options - Comparison and Regular Rate as well as the ability to add exclusions and apply an override level
  • Shift Length- This rule displays Employee shifts that have a total number of hours according to the rule options you set up
    • Rule Options - Comparison and number of hours as well as the ability to add exclusions and apply an override level
  • Tip Total Configurable- Displays Employees that have the tip total by type over the course of the period according to the rule options you set up
    • Rule Options - Tip Type, Comparison, Tip Amount, and Period Type as well as the ability to add exclusions and apply an override level
  • Tips Declared vs. Sales Percentages- Displays Employees that have a declared tips percentage over the course of the selected period according to the rule options you set up
    • Rule Options - Comparison, Tip Percent, and Period Type as well as the ability to add exclusions and apply an override level
  • Unprocessed Meal Break Waiver- Displays Employees that have a change in their meal break waivers status and have not been re-calculated for reports
    • Rule Options - Not applicable; however, exclusions may be applied and an override level can be set

Edit a Rule Set

To edit a rule set, select the desired rule set from the 'Edit Rule Set' drop-down field. This will cause the 'Validation Rules' section to appear on the left side of the page where all rules contained within the selected rule set will be displayed. 

To edit the rule options for a particular validation rule, select the pencil icon. Upon selection, the 'Rule Options' section will be displayed on the right side of the page. For more information on rule options, see the Payroll Validation Rule Options section below.

If you would like to apply Job/Employee exclusions to every rule in the rule set, select 'Edit Rule Set Exclusions' to open the 'Rule Set Exclusions' window. You can add Employee and/or Job exclusions by entering an Employee name or Job title into the corresponding auto-fill text box and selecting 'Add'. To remove an Employee or Job type, select the desired names or Job titles and select 'Remove all Selected'. Click 'Hide' to close the window.

Add a New Rule to the Rule Set

Select 'Add New Validation Rule' to add a new rule to the rule set. Upon selection, a pop-up window will appear that will allow you to select a validation rule. Click 'Add' to add the rule or 'Cancel' to cancel adding the rule to the rule set.

Save a Rule Set

Once you are finished editing a rule set, be sure to select 'Save Rule Set'. Failure to do so will result in unsaved data even if you selected 'Save' at the bottom of each Rule's 'Rule Options' section.

Delete a Rule Set

If you wish to delete a rule set, select 'Delete Rule Set'. It is important to note that you must remove all Locations assigned to a particular rule set before the rule set can be deleted. Also, be aware that a warning confirmation pop-up window will not appear when you select 'Delete Rule Set'.

Payroll Validation Rule Options

Listed below are the rule options that can be set in order to configure the associated payroll validation rule to suit your needs.

  • Start / End Time- Select the start and end time against which the rule will be validated
    • Rule Used - This rule option can be configured for the Clock-Out Time rule
  • Comparison- Select the comparison, which includes: Less Than, Less Than Or Equal To, Equal To, Greater Than, or Not Equal
    • Rules Used - This rule option can be configured for Days Worked, Distinct Payroll Days, Distinct Special Pay Records, Hour Total, Regular Pay Rate, Shift Length, Tip Total Configurable, Tips Declared vs. Sales Percentages
  • Days- Enter the number of days the rule validates
    • Rules Used - This rule option can be configured for the Distinct Payroll Days rule
  • Period Type- Select the Period Type: Day, Week, Period, Quarter, Year, or Pay Period
    • Rules Used - This rule option can be configured for Days worked, Distinct Payroll Days, Distinct Special Pay records, Hour Total, and Tips Declared vs. Sales Percentages
  • Special Pay Type- Select the special pay type from the drop-down field: All, Make Up Money, Meal Break Penalty, Minimum Hours Compensation, Shift Bonus, Shift Span, Split Shift Penalty, or Uniform Upkeep
    • Rules Used - This rule option can be configured for the Distinct Special Pay Records rule
  • # of Entries- Enter the number of entries the rule validates
    • Rules Used - This rule option can be configured for the Distinct Special Pay Records rule
  • Employee Number- Enter the Employee number that the rule validates
    • Rules Used - This rule option can be configured for the Employee Number Rule
  • Hourly Type- Select the Hourly Type: Regular, Over Time, Double Time, or Total
    • Rules Used - This rule option can be configured for the Hour Total rule
  • Hours- Enter the total number of hours for the rule to validate
    • Rules Used - This rule option can be configured for the Hour Total rule
  • Employee Info Types- Select the Employee information the rule validates: Export ID, First Name, Last Name, or Social Security Number
    • Rules Used - This rule option can be configured for the Missing Employee Info rule
  • Reg Rate- Enter the regular rate for the rule to validate
    • Rules Used - This rule option can be configured for the Regular Pay Rate rule
  • Tip Type- Select the tip type: Declared, Credit, or All
    • Rules Used - This rule option can be configured for the Tip Total Configurable rule
  • Tip Amount - Enter the tip amount for the rule to validate
    • Rules Used - This rule option can be configured for the Tip Total Configurable rule
  • Tip Percent - Enter the tip percentage you would like the rule to validate
    • Rules Used - This rule option can be configured for the Tips Declared vs. Sales Percentages rule
  • Exclude Employees with $0 Sales - Select whether or not to exclude Employees with $0 Sales
    • Rules Used - This rule option can be configured for the Tips Declared vs. Sales Percentages rule

For all rules, you have the ability to select whether the rule can be overridden at the corporate or store level. You can also create or edit Employee exclusions and/or Job exclusions for all rules.

  • Override Level - Select whether the rule can be overridden at the corporate-level or store-level.
    • Note: Only Users with the 'Can perform corporate-level overrides' User Permission will be able to override the rule during the validation process
  • Employee / Job Exclusions - You can add Employee and/or job exclusions by entering an Employee name or Job title into the corresponding auto-fill text box and selecting 'Add'. To remove an Employee or Job type, select the desired names or Job titles and click 'Remove all Selected'

Be sure click 'Save' at the bottom of a rule's 'Rule Options' section to save any changes made to the rule options