Since RADAR goes back 21 days to look for any changes in labor, any information within this timeframe that has been altered after sending your payroll information to your payroll provider will display as an imbalance. The Process (Lock) Payroll page allows you to lock payroll information, which will prevent POS changes from overwriting processed payroll.

Process (Lock) Payroll Basics

This page includes the following fields and actions:

  • Show Locations - Select the Location or Location Group for which you would like to lock payroll information
  • Period - Select the period for which you would like to lock payroll
  • Show - Click this to view your results. Upon selecting this, the 'Unlocked Locations' and 'Locked Locations' section will be displayed
  • Notes for the Pay Run - Enter in any notes you wish to appear with the payroll run
  • Select All - To lock your payroll information, select the checkbox for the desired Location(s) in the 'Unlocked Locations' section. Choose this to quickly select all Locations
  • Deselect All - Click this to uncheck all selected Locations
  • Lock Days - Click this to lock the selected Location(s) for the period selected in the 'Period' drop-down field. Upon selection, a pop-up window will appear where you can confirm or cancel the lock
  • Unlock All - If you would like to unlock a Location, deselect the checkbox next to the desired Location(s) or click this to unlock all Locations. If the 'Unlock All' option is clicked, a confirmation window will appear where you can confirm or cancel the unlock