The Location Assignment page allows you to assign Location(s) to rule sets against which their payroll data will be validated.

Assigning Location(s) to a Rule Set

To assign one or more Locations to a rule set, select a rule set from the left side of the page. Upon selection, the 'Assign Locations' window will appear where you will be able to perform the following:

  • Assign - Select one or more Locations in the 'Available Locations' column. You can select multiple Locations at one time by holding down the Control key on the keyboard while making your selections. Next, select the left arrow icon to add the Location(s) to the 'Assigned' column
  • Remove - To remove a Location from a rule set, select a location in the 'Assigned Locations' column and select the right arrow icon. This will move the Location to the 'Available Locations' column
  • Save - Click this to save any changes made to a rule set's Location assignments