Charts Module

CC Tip % Trend by Location
The CC Tip % Trend by Location chart displays credit card tip percent totals by job for one or more locations (or lo...
Chart Notes
The Chart Notes page allows you to view, create, edit, and deactivate chart notes. A user’s access to this page can ...
Comp Breakdown
The Comp Breakdown chart displays the total amount, quantity, and percentage breakdown of comps by type, manager, or...
Count Averages Breakdown
The Count Averages Breakdown chart displays the total guest, check, and entrée average during the selected date or d...
CVP Item Breakdown
The CVP Item Breakdown chart provides a breakdown of comp, void, or promo activity, by type, per menu item. The tabl...
Daily Forecast Accuracy
The Daily Forecast Accuracy chart compares a selected forecast metric against actual data for a single location (or ...
Date Range Comparison
The Date Range Comparison chart compares two selected metrics for a single location (or location group) for up to fi...
Daypart Breakdown
The Daypart Breakdown chart displays the selected metric’s total dollar amount and percentage, broken down by daypar...
Daypart Trends
The Daypart Trends chart displays the selected metric’s activity, broken down by daypart, for a single location (or ...
Days in a Week
The Days in a Week chart provides detailed information for a selected metric over the course of a week for multiple ...