The Gantt Chart is a comprehensive table that displays a job level comparison of scheduled versus actual labor costs. The chart can also display a comparison between scheduled hours and actual hours. Access to the Gantt Chart is located under the Charts tab of the Labor Scheduling module. 

Chart Usage 

The Gantt Chart allows a user to see a job level comparison between actual labor costs and scheduled labor costs. The difference between the actual cost and the scheduled cost is automatically calculated and displayed at the top of the page. 

Chart Features 

  • Filter by Location. 
  • Filter by DOB. 
  • Filter by Work Center. 
  • Filter by Job. Note: The colors on the table correspond to job types and can be changed on the Jobs page in the Company Configuration module. 
  • Use the ‘Show’ drop-down field to select whether to display Scheduled Costs or Scheduled Hours. 
  • Select SHOW to view the chart, or select PRINT to print a copy of the chart. 


Hovering over a scheduled or actual shift will display the shift length. All scheduled shifts have a beige background. Actual shifts have a yellow background. Shifts with sales have a yellow background with light blue font. For employees with sales, hovering over a shift will display the sales the employee made during the shift and the calculated SPLH. 

If you select a shift, you will automatically be navigated to the Schedule Builder page so that you can quickly make any necessary edits to the shift.