The Weekpart Labor Comparison allows a user to compare basic information between two specified weekparts. The information available on this report includes: Average Price per Guest or Entrée, Labor Percent, Overtime Hours, and Guest Count Per Labor Hour or Entrée Count Per Labor Hour. The report also displays the difference and the percent difference between Weekpart 1 and Weekpart 2. 

Report Usage 

This report is primarily used to compare weekend data to that of the rest of the week. For example, a manager can use this report in order to know how the Guest Count Per Labor Hour for the Monday - Thursday time frame of a particular week compares to the GCPLH for the Friday - Sunday time frame of the same week. 

Report Features

  • Filter by location(s) or location group(s).
  • Filter by date. This report can be run for any specified length of time.
  • Identify which days will be associated with Weekpart 1 and Weekpart 2. By default, Monday through Thursday will be assigned to Weekpart 1, and Friday through Sunday will be assigned to Weekpart 2.
  • Select whether or not to show labor detail. If this option is selected, information will be reported for each job at each location.
  • Select the manner in which you would like the report to group the reported information. You may group by Job or Work Center.
  • Select whether to use Guests or Entrées as your primary metric.
  • This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.