The Special Pay Trend Report lists all the special pay occurrences at a selected location. The report displays information for the last seven pay periods based on your date selection. The information displayed on the report includes: Special Pay Type, Total Amount, Number of Occurrences, and Percent of Labor Cost. 

Report Usage 

The Special Pay Trend Report provides you with a quick way to see what percent of your labor cost is directed to special pay. The detail into which the report breaks down special pay information further helps you make important decisions that are affected by your special pay costs. 

Report Features

  • Filter by location(s) or location group(s).
  • Filter by date.
  • Select whether or not to show details. If you select this option, information for all the special pay situations that occurred at your selected locations will appear. If you do not select this option, information on the report will not be broken down by special pay types.
  • Filter by special pay type. For example, if you type "Meal Break Penalty" into the 'Filter' field, only meal break penalty information will be displayed.
  • This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.