The RADAR Feature Search report provides a list of descriptions for each export, chart, widget, report, or email alert. The report contains two columns: The column on the left displays the name of the export, chart, widget, report, or email alert. The column on the right displays a description of each export, chart, widget, report, or email alert. 

Report Usage 

The RADAR Feature Search report is a great report to print out and keep nearby. This is a report you can quickly reference to get a concise description of any export, chart, widget, report, or email alert. 

Report Features 

  • Select whether to view Export Descriptions, Chart Descriptions, Widget Descriptions, Report Descriptions, or Email Alerts. 
  • Filter by Name. This field allows you to enter the name (full or partial) of a specific export, chart, widget, report, or email alert. For example, if the 'Object Type' is set to "Export Descriptions" and you enter "comp" into the 'Name Contains' field, the report will display descriptions for the Comp Details by Comp export and the Manager Comp Audit export. 
  • This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.