The Purchase History report is a comprehensive table that displays the purchase quantity variance and the purchase amount variance for each inventory item over the past five inventory cycles. This report can be accessed from the Reports module or from the Inventory module under the ‘Reports’ tab. 

Report Usage 

The report provides you with a quick, easy way to audit the dollar amounts and the quantities of items that were purchased during a 5 week period. 

Report Features

  • Filter by location(s) or location group(s).
  • Filter by date.
  • Filter by Inventory Item.
  • Filter by GL Code by selecting the desired GL Codes(s) or by selecting “Select All”. Additionally, you may select “Clear” to clear all selected GL Codes. By default, all GL Codes are selected.
  • Filter by Inventory Item Group.
  • Filter by Inventory Cycle.
  • Select whether or not the report displays vendor purchase items.
  • Use the ‘Sort’ drop-down field to select the manner in which you would like the report to be sorted.
  • This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.