The POS Guest Check Reproduction report reproduces POS guest checks for a location for a specific date. Report Usage This report is useful for the corporate office, as it allows someone who is not at the specific location to pull a reprint of a guest check for any date at any time. 

Report Features 

  • Filter by location(s) or location group(s). 
  • Select a single date. Step 3 options will show dynamically by location and date selection. 
  • Select whether or not to include zero priced items in the search results. 
  • Select the order in which to sort results. 
  • Search for a specific check by entering the check number. 
  • Filter by employee by typing an employee's last name into the "Employee Last Name" field. 
  • Filter by Tender, Comps, Promos, Voids, and/or Revenue Center. 
  • Filter your search by a Menu Item or Sale Department. 
  • Select if/how you would like items to be consolidated on the report. 
  • This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: Why does my POS Guest Check Reproduction appear to be all one check? 

A: Some POS’s cannot provide the detailed information necessary to recreate separate checks. 

Q: Why do some checks not display the table name or check number for Aloha? 

A: Both the GNDSALE.DBF and GNDTURN.DBF data file tie to the check number and table name. In order to aggregate the data, the raw data displayed in the columns EMPLOYEE, OPEN HOUR, OPEN MIN, and CLOSEMIN must match between the two files. If the data does not match, the table name and/or check number will not be displayed on the POS Guest Check Reproduction report.