The Payroll Exceptions Report is a specialized labor report that line-itemizes labor shifts by employee, location, or location group for any specified time frame based on company-defined labor exceptions (e.g. overtime, double time, special pay rules). 

Report Usage 

This report tracks labor exceptions, so it is a great report to use to see which employees might be skipping meal breaks (incurring meal break penalties), incurring over time or double time penalties, or incurring split shift penalties. 

Report Features

  • Filter by location(s) or location group(s).
  • Filter by date. This report can be run for any specified length of time.
  • Select whether or not to hide zero dollar penalties.
  • Select a metric (Employee Details or Employee Totals).
  • Select whether or not to include jobs that have been given "Exclude" pay types. Jobs can be given the "Exclude" or "Standard" pay type in Company Config ? Jobs.
  • Filter by job.
  • Select the order in which you would like the reported information to be sorted. Select from Last Name or Location.
  • Select which type of Employee ID you would like the report to display. Select from: Payroll ID, POS Number, SSN, Payroll ID if available - else POS Number, or Last Four Digits of SSN.
  • Select which exception types you would like to be included on the report.
  • This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: Why don’t all shifts for an employee populate this report?
A: This report is designed to be an exceptions report. It is built to filter the labor infractions as specified by your company.

Q: An employee in one of our California stores shows a meal break penalty but the employee only worked 4 hours and 59 minutes. The law is 5 hours. Why is this happening?
A: Meal break penalties are configured according to your company's request. Some companies ask for special settings that may or may not vary from local laws. 

Q: What do the asterisks on the report indicate?
A: An asterisk indicates that an employee worked more than one shift on that particular day. If you are questioning the calculations on the report and see this asterisk, the Payroll report would be a good resource to reference. 

Q: How is the Variance Summary determined?
A: The variance summary consists of multiple counts. There are four rows: Negative Variance Count, Positive Variance Count, Total Count, and Potential. Each row has two columns: Paid/Unpaid Meal Breaks and Waivable Meal Breaks. 

  • Row 1 Column 1:
    • Negative Variance Count: Computed by taking the total count of employees who have a meal break penalty.
    • The Negative Variance Count Percent: Computed by dividing the Negative Variance Count by the Total Shifts.
      % Against Required Breaks: Computed by dividing the Negative Variance Count by the Total Breaks. 
  • Row 1 Column 2:
    • Negative Variance Count (Waivable Meal Break): The count of employees that have a variance and have their meal break waived. 
    • Negative Variance Count (Waivable Meal Break) Percent: The count of employees that have a variance and have their meal break waived divided by the Total Shifts. 
  • Row 2 Column 1:
    • Positive Variance Count: Computed by the total breaks minus the Negative Variance Count.
    • Positive Variance Count Percent: Computed by dividing the Positive Variance Count by the Total Shifts.
      % Against Required Breaks: Computed by dividing the Positive Variance Count by the Total Breaks. 
  • Row 2 Column 2:
    • Positive Variance Count (Waivable Meal Break): The count of employees with a meal break waived minus the count of employees that have a variance and have their meal break waived.
    • Positive Variance Count (Waivable Meal Break) Percent: Computed by dividing count of employees with a meal break waived by the Total Shifts
  • Total Shifts Row 3 Column 1:
    • Total Count: The Total Breaks.
    • Total Count Percent: Computed by dividing the Total Breaks by the Total Shifts.
    • % Against Required Breaks: Computed by dividing the Total Breaks by the Total Breaks (this always gives 100%). 
  • Row 3 Column 2:
    • Total Count: The Total Breaks.
    • Total Count Percent: Computed by dividing the Total Breaks by the Total Shifts. 
  • Row 4 Column 1:
    • Potential: The total of Special Pay. 
  • Row 4 Column 2:
    • Potential is the total of Special Pay that has their meal break waived. 

Things to note:
Total breaks is the count of employees that have worked within the given date(s) and have their meal break waived. Total shifts is the total of the shifts.