This report provides a list of all employees that have worked more than a specified number of hours. The reported information includes: employee name, location, number of days worked, number of shifts worked, regular hours worked, overtime hours worked, double time hours worked, total hours worked, and additional notes. 

Report Usage 

This report is similar to the Employee Approaching Overtime dashboard widget; however, this report provides more detailed information. The information contained in this report can help managers know if/when staffing levels need to be adjusted. For example, if a manager views this report and notices that an employee is about to hit overtime, they can bring that employee in late, cut them early, or use them as a last resort when filling other schedule needs. 

Report Features

  • Filter by location(s) or location group(s).
  • Filter by date. This report can be run for any specified length of time.
  • Select the Hours threshold. This field automatically defaults to 25 hours. If you are running this report earlier in the week, you may want to lower this number.
  • Filter by job.
  • Select the order in which you would like the reported information to be sorted. Select from: Total Hours, Regular Hours, Overtime Hours, or Double Time Hours.
  • This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.