The Metric by Daypart and Revenue Center report shows the performance of a selected metric by daypart and by Revenue Center.
Report Usage
This report provides you with a way to compare sales (or other metrics) during specified dayparts for various revenue centers. Further, it allows you to see how well sales performed in a certain revenue center during a daypart on Mondays, Tuesdays, etc.
Report Features
- Filter the report by location or location group.
- Filter by date. This report can be run for any specified length of time.
- Filter by daypart or select all dayparts.
- Filter by revenue center or select all revenue centers.
- Select metric(s). The metrics available for selection are: Net Sales, Gross Sales, Guests, Guest Check Average, Checks, Check Average, Entrées, Entrée Average, Comps, Promos, MSD Net Sales, MSD Gross Sales, MSD Comps, and MSD Promos.
- Opt whether or not to hide location detail.
- Opt whether or not to show zero-value metrics.
- This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.