The Item Price Review report summarizes average sale price per menu item for one or more locations. It also lists the actual menu price per location. 

Report Usage 

This report is useful for comparing menu item sale prices across multiple locations. 

Report Features

  • Filter by location(s) or location group(s).
  • Filter by date. This report can be run for any specified length of time.
  • Filter by Item Group.
  • Filter by Master Sale Department.
  • Select the order in which you would like report results to be sorted.
  • Select whether or not to only show items that are not the same in all locations.
  • This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: How are item prices calculated?
A: The price shown at each location is the sum of all sales of that item divided by the total quantity of the item sold. Zero price sales are excluded from this calculation. 

Q: How are average prices calculated?
A: The average price is the sum of all sales across all locations in the selected location group, divided by the total quantity of item sales across all locations in the selected location group. This sales-weighted average may not be the same as the average of the visible location prices, since some locations may have higher sales for that item.