The Contract Management Price Alerts report displays vendor purchase items that had a price that was either higher or lower than the contracted price during the selected time period. The report also displays invoice number, invoice date, and price per receive unit for each of the VPI’s.
This report can be accessed from the Reports module or from the Contract Management module under the ‘Reports’ tab. Report Features This report can be used to monitor prices that that have a listed value that is greater than or less than the agreed upon price.
Report Usage
- Filter by location(s) or location group(s).
- Filter by date. This report can be run for any specified length of time.
- Select whether or not to ignore VPIs with $0 variance.
- Filter by contract.
- Filter by vendor.
- Filter by vendor purchase item.
- Filter by inventory item.
- This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.