This sales report summarizes total comps or promos for a location (or location group). It is broken out by comp/promo type, dollar total per comp/promo type, quantity of each comp/promo, total sales for the selected time frame, and the percentage of sales that the comp/promo represents.
Report Usage
This report displays total comps or promos, so it is a great report to start with if you are trying to track down comp/promo abuse. If this report shows unusually high comps at a location, you can use other reports (such as the Manager Control Detail report and the POS Guest Check Reproduction report) to track down the manager who was on duty and the employee with the highest comp amount.
Report Features
- Filter by location or location group.
- Filter by date. This report can be run for any specified length of time.
- Filter by comps or promos.
- Filter by net sales or gross sales.
- Opt whether to view all comps/promos, the top five comps/promos, or the top 25 comps/promos.
- Include/exclude entries with no data (Zero Skip).
- This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.