The Employee Control Detail report is an employee audit report that summarizes total comps, voids, and promos for a location or location group for any specified period of time. This report also details the total dollar amount, percentage of sever sales, location average, and the variance to the location average of comps, voids, and promos. 

Report Usage 

This report can help you track comps/voids/promos at a summary level, which makes it a great report to use when you want to compare employees to each other and see which employees have a high or low occurrence of comps/voids/promos. It can also be used to council employees who have high voids which can be a sign of abuse or lack or POS understanding.

Report Features 

  • Filter by location(s) or location group(s). 
  • Filter by date. This report can be run for any specified length of time. 
  • Select all comps or select individual comps. Comp options will show dynamically by date and location selection. 
  • Select all promos or select individual promos. Promo options will show dynamically by date and location selection. 
  • Select all voids or select individual voids. Void options will show dynamically by date and location selection. 
  • Select whether to "Show Net" or "Show Gross". 
  • This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.