The Labor Percent Trend Graph is a weekly view of year-over-year labor percent. A solid blue line represents the current year's weekly labor percent trend, and a dashed red line represents the previous year's weekly labor percent trend.
Report Usage
This report allows you to immediately compare the current year's labor percent trend with that of last year. You can see specific trends by using the Step 3 options. For example, you can choose to include data from only Saturdays and Sundays in order to see how weekend labor percent trends for this year compare to last year.
Report Features
- Filter by location(s) or location group(s).
- Filter by year. The year you select will be represented by a solid blue line. A dashed red line will represent the year that precedes the selected year.
- Choose to show or hide Datapoint Values on the graph.
- Select the graph type. If you select "Year to Date", the first week on the X axis will be the first week of the current year. This will result in a blue line that only extends to the current week of the current year. If you select "Year Rolling", the X axis will start exactly one year prior to the current week.
- The optional 'Force Min Range' and 'Force Max Range' will set the high and low values on the Y axis. This is useful if you want to further expand the variances. For example, let's say your labor percent averages about 17%. The default view might give you a fairly straight line, but if you force the minimum and maximum to 14% and 20%, the entire page will be used. Note: Use decimals in these fields. For example, rather than entering 15% into one of these fields, use .15.
- The optional Force Scale field allows you to set the intervals on the Y axis. Note that the Max Range will be ignored if you enter a scale into this field.
- Select whether or not to include a trend line on the graph.
- Select which days of the week you would like to include.
- This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.