The Labor Efficiency Potential Report summarizes net sales and labor cost by location or location group for any specified time frame. This report also displays your potential labor saving dollars as if there was no overtime, double time, or special pay. You can also see the actual labor percent and the potential labor percent. Note: Jobs and/or Work Centers with no OT/DT/SP will not be present on this report. 

Report Usage 

This report takes the Actual Cost in dollars (OT + DT + SP), the Potential Cost in dollars (OT+ DT = REG, - SP), and subtracts the two numbers giving you the difference in dollars. The Efficiency Percentage symbolizes how efficient a location is compared to their overall total labor cost. The report then displays the Labor percent as "Actual Labor %" and "Potential Labor %". The "Potential Labor %" is what the labor percent would be if there was no overtime, double time, or special pay.

Report Features 

  • Filter by location(s) or location group(s). 
  • Filter by date. This report can be run for any specified length of time. 
  • Select the manner in which report results are grouped. You may group by Work Centers or Locations. 
  • This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: What does the ‘Potential Cost $’ equation “(OT+DT=REG,-SP)” mean? 

A: The equation displayed in the ‘Potential Cost $’ column is a note about how the column is calculated. The ‘Potential Cost $’ is calculated using overtime and double time hours paid at regular wages, and does not include special pay. This column is included to help determine potential earnings if overtime and double time are eliminated.