The Hours Worked Trend report allows you to see how the hours worked for a selected timeframe compare to the hours worked during a selected number of previous timeframes. These values are also compared to the overall average of the entire time span. This report can be broken down by location, work center, job, and employee. It can also highlight hour values in various colors, corresponding to how they fall outside of the value ranges defined in the report's Step 3 options. 

Report Usage 

This report provides you with a simple way to monitor the number of hours worked by your employees during a given period, and over the course of numerous periods. It can be especially helpful in monitoring which employees are approaching certain hour thresholds. For example, if you want to monitor employees who work more than 30 hours, you can set the ‘Hours equal to or greater than’ field to 30 so that all hour values that are greater than 30 are colored red. 

With the ability to create and assign a color detail (which can be saved as a preset), the Hours Worked Trend report allows you the utmost flexibility in monitoring which employees are reaching thresholds that you may be interested in monitoring.

Report Features 

  • Filter by location or location group. 
  • Filter by date. 
  • Filter by period type (Week, Period, Quarter, or Calendar Month) and aggregation (Average or Sum). Note: The Calendar Month does not have a weekly average option. 
  • Select the number of timeframes to trend (maximum of 12). For example, if you select “3”, the report will display information for three total selected period types (the current selected periods, based on the date selected in ‘Step 2’, and the two prior periods). 
  • If you would like the report to only display employees who have worked more than “X” hours, enter a value for “X”. Note: The value entered here relates to the selected period’s average/sum, and not the span average. 
  • Setup the manner in which you would like the report to display color detail: 
    • Red: Hour values that are greater than or equal to the value you enter into this field will be colored red. 
    • Yellow: Hour values that fall within the range you enter into these fields will be colored yellow. 
    • Green: The hour values that are less than or equal to the value you enter into this field will be colored green. 
  • Select whether or not to aggregate locations. Select whether or not to include zero in the span average calculation. If this option is selected, the report will include zero hour work weeks in the span average calculation, which can drastically lower a span average. Note: If this option is selected and you are viewing an average aggregation period selection, the “Wks” column will display the total number of weeks that are in all of the selected period. If this option is not selected and the ‘Suppress Employee Detail’ option is selected, the “Wks” column will display the actual number of weeks that an employee worked. Select whether or not to suppress jobs. 
  • Select whether or not to suppress work centers. 
  • Select whether or not to suppress employee detail. Select the manner in which you would like employee details to be sorted. You may sort by “Employee Name”, “Span Average”, or "Payroll ID". 
  • Select whether or not to suppress the color summary. If this option is not selected, a color summary will appear at the bottom of each “Job Name” section. This displays the total number of values that received certain color designations. If you select to suppress the color summary, this information will not be present on the report. 
  • Select whether or not to include Payroll ID with Employee Name. 
  • This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.