The Daypart Labor Report compares labor information between dayparts for each work center and job type. 

Report Usage 

This report is a good audit tool that can be used to see what your current labor cost is for each job and work center during the different meal periods in a day. 

Report Features 

  • Filter by location(s) or location group(s). 
  • Filter by date. This report can be run for any specified length of time. 
  • Select whether or not to include a WTD Summary. If you select this option, the report will default to WTD using the start date. 
  • This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.

Report Definitions 

  • $$ (Next to each job) - This is the total labor dollars for that job for each daypart
  • Hours (Next to each job) - This is the total labor hours for that job for each daypart
  • % (Next to each job) - This is the labor percent for each job and is calculated by labor dollars/total daypart sales
  • Bodies (Next to each job) - This is the number of people clocked in for that job for that period. 
  • Guest Avg (In the summary section) - This is calculated by dividing the total daypart sales by the number of guests
  • GCPLH (In the summary section) - Guest Count per Labor Hour. This is calculated by dividing the total labor hours for the daypart (all jobs and work centers) by the guest count. So if the total labor hours for lunch are 50 and the guest count is 100, the GCPLH would be 50/100 = .5 gcplh. This number is always rounded. Labor $, Hour and % (In the summary section): These are totals for each daypart

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: I edited an employee shift after the shift took place. Will this change be reflected on the Daypart Labor Report? 

A: Yes, if edited within 21 days. When your location is polled, it gets polled 21 days back for labor. This process will pick up any new or edited shifts and reflect them the following business day.