The Employee Information report provides a detailed list of your employees' information. 

Report Usage 

The compiled list helps you find a wide array of information on your employees such as hire date, pay rate, address, and many other helpful items.

Report Features 

  • Filter by location(s) or location group(s). 
  • Sort by employee number, employee name, or Social Security number (SSN). 
  • Select whether or not to show each employee on a separate page. 
  • Select whether to show pay information (grouped under the Dates, Job Name, Code, and Rate headers). 
  • Select whether or not to show Social Security numbers and tax details. 
  • Type in a full or partial Social Security number to filter out results. 
  • Filter to include only employees that have been active within a certain day period. Enter "0" to list all employees regardless of how long it has been since they have been active. 
  • This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.