The GC Activity Report displays gift card/gift certificate information (sold/redeemed) for a given date range. 

Report Usage 

This report makes it easy to gather a compilation of GC activity for one or more locations during a specified time frame. The GC Activity Report can also help you monitor which employees are successfully selling gift cards/gift certificates. This report can be valuable during the holiday season.

Report Features 

  • Filter by location(s) or location group(s). 
  • Filter by date. This report can be run for any specified length of time. 
  • Filter by GC activity (GC's sold or GC's redeemed). 
  • Select whether or not to show gift certificate details. 
  • Select the order in which you would like details on the report to be displayed. 
  • The ‘Group 1’ and ‘Group 2’ options allow you to select the amount of detail to display on the report. If you select ‘Show and Sort By’ for Group 1, you can select which detail to display on the report. Selecting ‘Show and Sort By’ for Group 2 will display details of the Group 1 selection. 
  • Filter by a specific GC number or GC number range. 
  • Filter by GC type. 
  • This report can be viewed/exported in various formats. It can also be directly emailed.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: What does it mean when this report shows 'no GC log data', rather than a GC number? 

A: This will be applicable only for Aloha installations. The Aloha POS stores the gift certificate number in a file called GCLOG.dbf. However, sometimes this file does not contain all of the GC activity for a location. Since the Aloha POS records gift card activity dollar values in a separate file (GNDSALE.dbf), the GC sale/redemption will still be collected but the GC number will not. If you are experiencing this issue, please contact your Aloha support company to determine why GCLog.dbf is not capturing the GC activity for the affected location(s).