The Revenue Center Breakdown chart displays the selected metric’s total amount and percentage, broken down by revenue center, during the selected date or date range. 

Chart Usage 

This chart can be used to monitor and compare a selected metric’s activity (such as Net Sales or Comps) across multiple revenue centers. For example, this chart can be used to quickly see the net sales for each revenue center on a single DOB.

Chart Features 

  • Filter by location or location group. 
  • Filter by date or date range. The options available for selection depend upon the selected period type. 
  • Select the period type to display on the chart’s x-axis. 
  • Filter by metric. 
  • Use the ‘Drill Down’ drop-down field to select the chart for which you will be navigated to upon selecting a data point. Note: You will only be able to drill down to the Item Breakdown chart if “Net Sales” or “Gross Sales” is selected in the ‘Drill Down’ drop-down field. All other metric options do not offer drill down capabilities. 
  • Select whether to display the data as a Pie Chart or Doughnut Chart. Additionally, you have the option to select the chart’s size (either normal or large). 
  • Select SHOW to view the chart. Upon selection, you will also be granted the ability to print the chart (by selecting PRINT). 
  • If you were navigated to this chart from another chart (by selecting a data point), selecting DRILL UP will return you to the previous chart. 
  • If you hover your mouse over a data slice, you can view the selected metric’s total amount and percent.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: Why is there a difference in sales (both Net and Gross) between the Revenue Center Breakdown chart and the Item Breakdown chart? 

A: While the Revenue Center Breakdown chart looks at a “Sales” data set, the Item Breakdown chart looks at a “PMix” dataset. The quantity on the Item Breakdown chart should closely match the value displayed when running a PMix report. Note, however, the Item Breakdown chart will account for $0 items.