The Prep Minute vs Metric chart compares your selected metric’s activity to the selected prep time minutes for a single location (or location group) for a selected date or date range. 

Chart Usage 

This chart is a great tool to monitor how credit card tips (or other selected metrics such as comp percent) are impacted by prep times.

Chart Features 

  • Filter by location or location group. 
  • Filter by date. The chart can be run for any specified length of time. 
  • Filter by metric. Filter by a specific revenue center or select “All”. 
  • Select your minimum and maximum prep time minutes. 
  • Filter by a specific daypart or select “All”. 
  • Select whether to display the data as a Line Chart or Bar Chart. 
  • Select SHOW to view the chart. Upon selection, you will also be granted the ability to print the chart (by selecting PRINT). 
  • If you hover your mouse over a data point, a tooltip will appear and display the selected metric’s activity and associated prep time minute. Note: This chart does not have drill down capabilities.