The Labor Metric Trend by Work Center chart displays a breakdown of the selected labor metric by work center for a single location (or location group) across an entire year.
Chart Usage
This chart is useful in comparing a labor-specific metric across multiple work centers. Additionally, it provides deep insight into labor costing and can help you determine future labor needs.
Chart Features
- Filter by location or location group.
- Filter by year. Selecting the ‘Rolling?’ option will display a rolling year instead of a calendar year.
- Select the period type to display on the chart’s x-axis. Filter by metric.
- Select SHOW to view the chart. Upon selection, you will also be granted the ability to print the chart (by selecting PRINT).
- If you hover your mouse over a data point, you can view the corresponding period’s metric data and the associated period’s date range. If you select a data point, you will be navigated to the Labor Percent – Jobs Stacked chart (if “Labor Percent” is selected in the ‘Metric’ drop-down field) or the Labor Metric by Jobs chart (if any other metric is selected in the drop-down field).