The Labor Metric by Jobs chart displays the selected labor metric’s total amount and percent broken down by job. A table, displayed below the chart, details the selected metric’s total amount and percent per job. 

Chart Usage 

This chart is useful when reviewing and/or comparing one job to another for a selected labor metric.

Chart Features 

  • Filter by location or location group. 
  • Filter by date or date range. The options available for selection depend upon the selected period type. 
  • Select the period type for which you would like to see labor percent activity. 
  • Filter by metric. 
  • Filter by a specific work center or select “All Work Centers”. 
  • Select SHOW to view the chart. Upon selection, you will also be granted the ability to print the chart (by selecting PRINT). 
  • If you were navigated to this chart from another chart (by selecting a data point), selecting DRILL UP will return you to the previous chart. 
  • If you hover your mouse over a data slice, you can view the selected metric’s total amount and percent for the corresponding job. If you select a data slice, the Payroll Report will be displayed in a new window where you can view additional information.