The GL Master Category Activity Trend chart displays a selected GL Master Category’s total for a single location (or location group) for an entire year. Note: GL Master Categories are setup on the Theo vs Actual Report Configuration page in the Company Configuration module. 

Chart Usage 

This chart is a great trend analysis tool as it provides you with a quick way to track GL Master Category totals. Additionally, this chart allows you to compare the activity of one GL Master Category (such as food sales) to another (such as food costs).

Chart Features 

  • Filter by location or location group. 
  • Filter by year. Selecting the ‘Rolling?’ option displays a rolling year instead of a calendar year. 
  • Select a period type. 
  • Filter by GL Master Category. 
  • Select a comparison GL Master Category or select “N/A”. 
  • Select whether to display the data as a Line or Bar Chart. Additionally, you have the option to select the chart’s size (either normal or large). 
  • Select SHOW to view the chart. Upon selection, you will also be granted the ability to print the chart (by selecting PRINT). 
  • If you hover your mouse over a data slice, you can view the selected metric’s total and the associated date range. Note: This chart does not have drill down capabilities.