The Count Averages Breakdown chart displays the total guest, check, and entrée average during the selected date or date range. Additionally, this data can be broken down by daypart or revenue center. 

Chart Usage 

This chart can be used to quickly view your count averages for a selected date or date range. And with the ability to view the information across multiple revenue centers or dayparts, this chart can aid in monitoring performance of a specific revenue center (such as your bar) or daypart (such as lunch or happy hour).

Chart Features 

  • Filter by location or location group. 
  • Filter by date or date range. The options available for selection depend upon the selected period type. 
  • Select the period type for which you would like to see count average data. 
  • Select whether or not the Bar Chart is broken down by daypart or revenue center. Additionally, you may select “None”. 
  • Select SHOW to view the chart. Upon selection, you will also be granted the ability to print the chart (by selecting PRINT). 
  • If you hover your mouse over one of the bars, you can view total average amount. Note: This chart does not offer drill down capabilities.