The Setup Average Ticket Time Report page controls the setup and configuration of the Average Ticket Time Report. This page allows you to create up to eight top amounts (displayed as rows in the report) and up to 14 time ranges (displayed as columns in the report). 

The Top Amount Table 

The Top Amount table appears on the left side of the page. This table displays the Sort Order and Top Amount value for each top amount. 

  • Edit - Select the pencil icon to change a sort order and/or top amount value. Be sure to select UPDATE to commit your changes
  • Delete - Select the red x icon to delete a top amount. Upon selection, a confirmation window will appear where you can confirm or cancel the deletion
  • New - To create a new top amount, select NEW TOP at the top left corner of the page. Upon selection, the “New Top” window will appear
  • Sort Order - The number entered in this field will represent the order in which the top is sorted and displayed on the report
  • Amount of Tops - Enter the top amount value into this field
  • Save/CANCEL - Select SAVE to create the new top amount or CANCEL to close the “New Top” window without saving

The Time Table 

The Time table appears on the right side of the page. This table displays Sort Orders and Times. 

  • Edit - Select the pencil icon to change a sort order and time. Be sure to select UPDATE to commit your changes
  • Delete - Select the red x icon to delete a time. Upon selection, a confirmation window will appear where you can confirm or cancel the deletion
  • New - To create a new time, select NEW TIME at the top of the page. Upon selection, the “New Time” window will appear
  • Sort Order - The number entered in this field will represent the order in which the time is sorted and displayed on the report
  • Time - Use this drop-down field to select the new time. Times are displayed as columns on the Average Ticket Time report
  • Save/CANCEL - Select SAVE to create the new time or CANCEL to close the “New Time” window without saving