The Report Privileges page provides you with an alternative method of assigning report privileges to a specific user or privilege group. Unlike the User Manager page or the Privilege Groups page, this page can be used to assign permissions based on the report rather than the user or privilege group. 

This can be useful when RADAR adds a new report to the site because it allows you to assign users or privilege groups directly to the new report. Otherwise, you would have to go to each user and/or privilege group and assign access to the new report, which would likely be time consuming. 

Basic Usage 

  • Report Type - Select the type of report for which to view report permissions
  • Reports - Select the specific report you would like to view. Upon selecting a report, the Users With Report Privileges table will be displayed. This table displays all users with access to the selected report. To view the locations assigned to the user, or to add/remove location(s) assigned to a user, select the green arrow icon. Upon selection, the “Locations” section will appear to the right of the Users With Privileges table
  • Assign - To assign a location to the user, select one or more locations in the “Available” column. (Select multiple locations by holding down the Control key on the keyboard while making your selections.) Next, select the "<<" icon to add the location(s) to the “Assigned” column
  • Remove - To remove a location, select the location in the “Assigned” section and select the ">>" icon. This will move the location to the “Available” column
  • Done - Select DONE to close the “Locations” section

Advanced Usage 

  • ADD USER TO REPORT -To give a user permission to view a report, select ADD USER TO REPORT. Upon selection, the “Add User Privileges to Report” window will appear
    • User - Select the user to whom you would like to grant report privileges. Select whether or not you would like the report’s access to be determined by the user’s primary location group
    • Locations - If the primary location group option is not selected, select which location(s) you would like the user to have permission to view
    • SAVE/CANCEL - Select SAVE to grant the user access to the specified report or CANCEL to close the “Add User Privileges to Report” window without saving
  • ADD PRIVILEGE GROUP TO REPORT -To give all users associated with a privilege group permission to view a report, select ADD PRIVILEGE GROUP TO REPORT. Upon selection, the “Add User Privileges to Report” window will appear
    • Privilege Group - Select the privilege group to which you would like to grant report privileges. Select whether or not you would like the report’s access to be determined by the user’s primary location group
    • Locations - If the primary location group option is not selected, select the location(s) you would like the privilege group to have permission to view
    • SAVE/CANCEL - Select SAVE to grant the privilege group access to the specified report or CANCEL to close the “Add User Privileges to the Report” window
  • CREATE NEW USER - Selecting CREATE NEW USER will automatically navigate you to the User Manger page where you can create a new user. For more information on creating a new user, see the User Manger page