The Privilege Groups page allows you to assign a set of privileges to a group of Users. Managing User privileges at the Privilege Group level ensures that Users with similar roles have the same privileges.
The Privilege Groups page contains the following tools for managing Privilege Groups:
- Creating a New Privilege Group
- Assigning or Removing Users
- Editing Privilege Group Details
- Adjusting Module Privileges
- Adjusting Report Blacklist
- Adjusting Report Privileges
Users with either of the following User privileges have the ability to access the Privilege Group page:
- Full Access (Radar Superadmin)
- Company Configuration with added Privilege Group access
The Privilege Groups page is found in the User Management drop-down in the Company Configuration Module.
When the Privilege Groups page is first opened, only the 'New Group' button and Privilege Group list will be available.
Selecting an existing Privilege Group will open the Privilege Group Details, Module Privileges, Report Privileges, Users in Group list, Users not in Group list, and Report Black List sections.
- New Group - Opens the 'New Group' form to create a new Privilege Group
- Edit Group - Changes all page sections to Edit mode
- Delete Group - Deletes the selected Privilege Group
- CAUTION - Deleting a Privilege Group cannot be reversed
- Note - Only Privilege Groups without assigned Users can be deleted
- Privilege Group - List of existing Privilege Groups
- Privilege Group Details - Basic details for the Privilege Group
- Users in Group - List of active Users currently assigned to the Privilege Group
- Remove User(s) - Removes the selected 'User in Group' from the Privilege Group
- Users not in Group - List of active Users not assigned to the Privilege Group
- Add User(s) - Retain Privileges - Assigns the selected 'User not in Group' to the Privilege Group without removing the User's existing privileges
- Add Users(s) - Clear Privileges - Assigns the selected 'User not in Group' to the Privilege Group and removes all of the User's existing privileges
- Best Practice: To avoid privilege conflicts, always add Users with the 'Add User(s) - Clear Privileges' button
- Best Practice: To avoid privilege conflicts, always add Users with the 'Add User(s) - Clear Privileges' button
- Module Privileges - List of all Module privileges configured for the selected Privilege Group
- Report Privileges - List of all Report privileges configured for the selected Privilege Group
- Report Black List - List of all Reports that have been restricted (Blacklisted) for the selected Privilege Group
Creating a New Privilege Group
To create a new privilege group, select 'New Group'
After selection, the 'Add New Privilege Groups window' will appear
- Name - Display name for the new Privilege Group
- Copy Privilege From - The new Privilege Group will start with the Module Privileges, Report Privileges, and Report Blacklist assigned to the previously created privilege group selected in this drop-down field
- Default Dashboard - The Dashboard that Users will see first upon navigating to the Dashboard Module
- Note: If the User does not have access to all Dashboards, the Default Dashboard is the only Dashboard the User will have access to
- Note: If the User does not have access to all Dashboards, the Default Dashboard is the only Dashboard the User will have access to
- Default Module - The Module that Users will automatically be navigated to when logging in
- Important Note: If the User does not have Module Privileges for the Default Module, they will receive an 'Access Denied' error when logging in
- Important Note: If the User does not have Module Privileges for the Default Module, they will receive an 'Access Denied' error when logging in
- Key Info Location Default - Location that Users will see on the Key Info page
- Save - Creates the new Privilege Group
- Cancel - Closes the 'Add New Privilege Group' window without saving
Editing Privilege Group Details
The Privilege Group Details section displays basic Privilege Group information
- Name - Display name for the new Privilege Group
- Default Dashboard - The Dashboard that Users will see first upon navigating to the Dashboard Module
- Note: If the User does not have access to all Dashboards, the Default Dashboard is the only Dashboard the User will have access to
- Note: If the User does not have access to all Dashboards, the Default Dashboard is the only Dashboard the User will have access to
- Default Module - The Module that Users will automatically be navigated to when logging in
- Important Note: If the User does not have Module Privileges for the Default Module, they will receive an 'Access Denied' error when logging in
- Important Note: If the User does not have Module Privileges for the Default Module, they will receive an 'Access Denied' error when logging in
- Key Info Location Default - Location that Users will see on the Key Info page
To edit any of this information:
- Select Privilege Group to edit
- Click 'Edit Group'
- Adjust Privilege Group Details
- Click 'Save'
Assigning/Removing Users
Assigning a User to a Privilege Group will assign them all Module Privilege, Report Privileges, and Report Blacklists configured in the Privilege Group
- Best Practice: To avoid privilege conflicts, it is recommended that individual Users belong to only one Privilege Group
Removing a User from a Privilege Group will unassign all Module Privileges, Report Privileges, and Report Blacklists configured in the Privilege Group
- Note: If the User is a member of more than one Privilege Group, they will retain any privileges from the other Privilege Groups. To clear all privileges, the User will need to be removed from all Groups. Privilege Group memberships can be viewed in the User Manager.
Module Privileges
The 'Module Privileges' section displays the selected Privilege Group’s privileges per module. In edit mode, Module-specific privileges can be adjusted.
- Module Privileges Drop-Down - Indicates the current Module being displayed
- Privileges List - List of all privileges associated with the selected Module
- Privileges marked with a
are currently assigned to the User/Group
- Settings in BLACK text will add privileges for the selected Module
- Settings in RED text will remove privileges for the selected Module
- Privileges marked with a
Report Black List
The “Report Black List” section allows you to set which reports will be unavailable to Users in the Privilege Group
Report Privileges
The 'Report Privileges' section allows you to set the report/module Location access for the Privilege Group
CAUTION: Managing Location access through Report Privileges can be difficult to set up and maintain properly due to the granular nature of the Location assignments. Unless there is a specific business need to assign Locations outside of a User's Primary Location Group, it is recommended that these settings be left untouched.
- Report Privileges - To assign Locations to a Report, select the Report Type in this drop-down field. If you would like to assign Locations to a Module, select 'Module Location Access'.
- ‘Green Arrow’
- Select the green arrow icon to view the Locations assigned to the Report/Module. Select whether or not the Location(s) added to the Report/Module will only be the Locations in a User’s Primary Location Group. Note: If this option is selected, you will not be able to assign or remove individual Locations
- Assign - To assign Locations to a Report/Module, select one or more Locations in the 'Available' column. (Select multiple Locations by holding down the Control (Ctrl) key on the keyboard while making your selections.) Next, select the icon to add the Location(s) to the 'Assigned' column.
- Remove - To remove Locations from a Privilege Group, select a Location in the 'Assigned' section and select the icon. This will move the Location to the 'Available' column.
- DONE - Select DONE to close and hide the Locations displayed in the 'Locations' section