The Setup Ops Statement page controls the setup for both the Ops Statement report and the Daily Operation Statement report. Once you have sent in your Chart of Accounts and a sample P&L format, this page will be used to set up an ops statement. You can use this page to manage the GL Code membership for a specific line on the report, but any other actions are not recommended. 

Navigating the Ops Statement Tree View 

Once you have selected either, “Ops Statement” or “Daily Ops Statement” in the ‘Mode’ field (Ops Statement will be selected by default), the Ops Statement tree view will be displayed on the far left side of the Setup Ops Statement page. The tree view displays a hierarchical arrangement of the GL Codes, which allows you to easily navigate between GL Codes located in different folders and subfolders. 

The order of the folders is: Super Group, Group, Line Item, and GL Code. While many actions can be accomplished using the tree view, it is recommended that you only assign GL Code membership for a specific line on the report. For more information on Assigning a GL Code, see the Assigning a GL Code section below.

Note that when running the Ops Statement and Daily Ops Statement reports, all relevant, configured super groups will display. However, the layout of the Ops Statement Comparative report restricts the number of shown super groups to the first 5, as they correspond to your chosen sort order. Any configured groups that are not displayed will still be taken into account in summary group calculations.

Viewing the Ops Statement Layout 

Selecting “Ops Statement” in the ‘Mode’ field at the top of the page will allow you to view how the Ops Statement is laid out via the Ops Statement Tree View. Additionally, the following options will become available: 

  • REVIEW GL CODE ASSIGNMENTS - Selecting REVIEW GL CODE ASSIGNMENTS will immediately navigate you to the Ops Statement Review page. This page displays a table of all assigned GL Codes. For more information, see the Ops Statement Report page
  • RUN OPS STATEMENT REPORT - Selecting RUN OPS STATEMENT REPORT will immediately navigate you to the Ops Statement report

Viewing the Daily Ops Statement Layout 

If you select “Daily Ops Statement” at the top of the page, you will be able to view the manner in which the Daily Ops Statement report is laid out via the Ops Statement Tree View. 

RUN DAILY OPS STATEMENT: Selecting RUN DIALY OPS STATEMENT REPORT will immediately navigate you to the Daily Ops Statement report. 

Assigning a GL Code 

To assign a GL Code to a group (such as Food Sales), select the line item folder in the “Setup Ops Statement” window. Upon selection, the “Line Item” window and the “Assign GL Code” window will appear.

  • GL Code(s) - Select the GL Code(s) to assign to the selected group
  • ASSIGN - Select ASSIGN to assign the selected GL Code(s) to the selected group
  • SAVE/CANCEL - Select SAVE at the top of the page to save any changes, or select CANCEL to negate any changes