The Exports module is RADAR’s secondary reporting mechanism. Unlike a report, an export is an unformatted “data dump” of information. An export can sometimes be more desirable than a report. For example, if your goal is to simply load base data into a spreadsheet for further analysis or in-house reporting, then it would be more beneficial to run an export. 

To learn more about the available exports, hover over the name of each export for a brief description.

Basic Usage 

  • Source - Use the ‘Source’ drop-down list to narrow the type of exports that are displayed
  • Global - Global exports are denoted by the sun icon. These exports are available to all companies
  • Company - Company exports are custom exports that were designed and created specifically for your company. These exports are denoted by the paper icon
  • Partner - Partner exports are custom exports were designed and created specifically for a particular partner. These exports are denoted by the partner icon
  • Grouping - Select whether to group the exports alphabetically or by the export level
  • Export Level - A company can use the ‘Export Access Level’ user permission to control whether or not a user can view a particular export. A user with a lower number will have better access - so someone with an access level of 1 can see all exports, while someone with an access level of 99 can see only exports assigned to a level of 99 and higher. The lower the export access level number, the greater number of exports the user can access. Note: To view the current access level for all exports, select “Export Level” from the 'Grouping' drop-down list. If you wish to change the access level for an export, contact your site representative
  • Name Contains - You can search for a specific export by entering the name of an export (full or partial) into this field
  • SHOW - Select SHOW to view all exports that match your search criteria

Running an Export

Many exports allow you to filter specific data. The filter options that are available will depend on the export you are running. To start running an export, select an export on the main Export page. The filter options that correspond to the selected export will appear. 

  • Step 1: Filter by location or location group. Note: Permissions can be set so that a user can be limited to only accessing exports for their primary location group. 
  • Step 2: Filter by date. Most exports can be run for any specified length of time. 
  • Step 3: Filter by other options such as comps, sale departments, daypart, etc. The specific filters available in this section will depend on which export you are running. 
  • Step 4: Use the ‘Format’ field to select whether you want to simply run the export or email the export. Select RUN EXPORT to run/email the export.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I am trying to run one of my exports, but there is no link and it reads, “Blocked during import.” What does this mean? 

A: At your company’s request, the export you are trying to run has been set to not export while imports are in progress or pending. Please use the Poll Status page to gauge when the export will be available.